A special charity screening of Peter Williams’ award winning documentary, A Canterbury Tale - Albert Figg and the Battle for Hill 112, is to take place at Canterbury Christ Church University on Wednesday, 12 February.

The documentary tells the story of a strategically important and fiercely fought battle in World War II, and the determination of Canterbury’s own Albert Figg to remember his former colleagues who lost their lives.

It brings together the testimonies of soldiers who were there into an educational film, to help future generations understand the significance of the events of D-Day and the weeks that followed, when the Allied liberation of Europe was in the balance.

Albert spent the last 30 years of his life creating the memorial on the crest of Hill 112, for his comrades killed in the battle just outside Caen. He is the inspiration behind the documentary produced and directed by local film-maker Peter Williams for the Kent-based Hill 112 Memorial Foundation.

The documentary has received critical acclaim, won an International Indiefest Award and was shown to British forces all over the world as part of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s Jubilee celebrations.

The screening starts at 7pm, with all profits donated to the Hill 112 Memorial Foundation.

To book you place for the screening visit our events pages: https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/events/2025/canterbury-tale-albert-figg-and-the-battle-for-hill-112