New research examining children’s wellbeing in schools is helping to inform government policy.

Dr Kristy Howells, Reader in Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, has contributed to a parliamentary report which suggests physical activity can play an important role in supporting children’s mental health.

The report informs the ongoing Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, currently progressing through the House of Commons. The POSTnote evaluates evidence on children’s wellbeing, the impacts of low wellbeing, and effective strategies for improvement.

Dr Howells was interviewed and provided written evidence from her research, which highlights the critical role of physical activity in supporting children’s wellbeing.

Our rapid review of a decade worth of research confirms that school-based physical activity plays a crucial role in protecting children and young people from mental health challenges,” Dr Kristy Howells said.

“I was able to share evidence on key factors affecting children’s wellbeing, the relationship between wellbeing and behavior, and strategies that are effective, or not, in supporting wellbeing. I also highlighted existing research gaps that need to be addressed."

Her research features in the types of practice for improving wellbeing’ section of the report, demonstrating the positive association between physical activity and mental health.

Kristy’s research findings included in the report indicate:

  • Team sports and school-based physical activity can reduce suicidal ideation in boys and foster social connections and resilience.
  • Physical activity helps girls by reducing feelings of hopelessness and self-harm.
  • School-based physical activity interventions can alleviate mild to moderate depression in adolescent girls.
  • These findings are drawn from global evidence, reinforcing their relevance beyond the UK.

Read the full report.