The 2025/26 academic calendars have now been published to help you plan your time at CCCU.

he 2025/26 and 2026/27 academic calendars have now been published to help you plan your time at CCCU.

Please note that some small but significant changes have been made to the Semester and Trimester 15-week calendars for students at our Canterbury and Medway campuses, effective from the 2025/26 academic year. In addition, a new calendar for some apprenticeships will be introduced.

These changes have been made to suit student study patterns better, and to enable better and timely delivery of your course.

Semester 15 Weeks Calendar

Most undergraduate courses follow the University's Semester Academic Calendar.

The Personal Development Week between the Advent Semester (Semester 1) and Easter Semester (Semester 2) will be removed. Teaching for the Easter Semester will follow immediately after the Advent Semester assessment period.

The academic year will be one week shorter than in 2024/25, lasting 43 weeks in 2025/26.

New Health Calendar (Semester 17 Weeks with PLB Calendar)

This calendar typically applies to health courses with extended academic years due to professional requirements. Starting in 2025/26, this calendar will apply only to:

  • New students registering on new Nursing and Nursing Apprenticeship courses which will start teaching from 2025/26.

NB: students in the following groups will remain on the current Semester 15 Week with PLB calendar:

  • Students registered on existing undergraduate and postgraduate taught health courses; and
  • Continuing students on 2023/24 (and earlier) intake cohorts for the BA Primary Education.

Trimester 15 Weeks Calendar

This calendar is primarily used for postgraduate taught degrees.

From 2025 the Personal Development Week will be removed.

In addition, there will be a slight adjustment to trimester patterns, though the academic year length remains 52 weeks, as follows:

  • September starts: Advent / Easter / Trinity
  • January starts: Easter / Trinity / Advent
  • June starts: Trinity / Advent / Easter

Breaks Between Trimesters in 2025/26:

  • Advent to Easter: 0 weeks
  • Easter to Trinity: 1 week
  • Trinity to Advent: 2 weeks