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06 July 2024
6:00pm - 7:00pm

A concert of duets on the guitar and lute, together with music for the vihuela and citole, performed by Jeff Alexander and Gareth Balch.

The programme will include “Oriental” (Spanish Dance no.2) by Granados, Suite for Two Guitars by William Lawes, and a selection of duets and solos.

Jeff Alexander is Professor of Guitar at Christ Church Canterbury University. He has recorded and played music for lute and guitar during a wide-ranging performing career.

Gareth Balch is undertaking postgraduate performance study at Canterbury Christ Church University and at Royal Holloway University. He performs Latin American music on the guitar as well as music for lute and other related instruments. Lute duets are rarely heard, and this concert aims to introduce this wonderful repertoire.

This event is part of the Canterbury Bid Medieval Pageant and Trail taking place on Saturday 6 July. 

Gareth will also be presenting some free informal performance workshops during the day of the Pageant. See below for details.

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