
At CCCU, we offer a number of standalone modules in healthcare subjects which can be taken for both undergraduate (level 6) or postgraduate (level 7).


Please note: You may only take up to two standalone modules. If you are interested in using your standalone credits to contribute to an award, please note that there are rules regarding the Recognition of Prior Learning for each course, so please make sure to discuss this with our administration team or the Course Director of the course you to which you would like to apply.

Please see below for examples of the modules available. For more information please contact

Undergraduate modules

  • Transforming Health & Care Quality
  • Negotiated Learning
  • 12-Lead ECGs and Cardiac Arrythmias
  • Cancer & Supportive Care
  • Challenges in Leadership
  • Holistic Examination of the Newborn
  • Systematic Anti-Cancer Therapy Practice
  • Anaesthetic Care
  • Assessment and Management of the Deteriorating Person
  • Surgical First Assistant
  • Dementia Care
  • Trauma Informed Practice

It is also possible to take a University Diploma in Neonatal Intensive Care as part of the BSc Healthcare Practice course. Apply to study this course here (or see the table in the 'How to Apply' section below).

For more information and detailed module descriptions, please visit the BSc Healthcare Practice web page.

Postgraduate modules

These are advanced academic modules. If you are considering taking these as stand-alone and have no prior university level study in these subjects, you are strongly advised to undertake a Higher Education level 6 module first.

  • Global Health and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Evidence Based Global Public Health
  • Essentials of Global Epidemiology
  • Health Promotion: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
  • Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
  • Global Healthcare Systems: Policy and Practice
  • Migration, Culture and Health

For detailed module descriptions view MSc Global Public Health.

  • Foundations of Simulation
  • Application of Human Factors to Simulation Based Education
  • The Conduct of Healthcare Simulation Based Education
  • The Future of Healthcare Simulation Based Education
  • Anaesthetic Practice
  • Cancer and Supportive Care
  • Cancer-Systemic anti-cancer therapy practice – administration pathway
  • Cancer-Systemic anti-cancer therapy practice – non-administration pathway
  • Cardiac Arrythmias and 12 lead ECGs
  • Care of the Child in Recovery
  • Engagement, screening and assessment of common mental health Problems
  • Decision Making in Practice
  • Deteriorating Patient-Assessment and Management of the deteriorating patient
  • Developing roles in Practice
  • Ethics-Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care Law
  • Newborn-Holistic Examination of the newborn
  • Surgical First Assistant
  • Teaching in Practice
  • Dementia Care
  • Trauma Informed Practice
  • Leadership for Organisations
  • Negotiated learning - Professional Development

For detailed module descriptions view MSc Healthcare Practice.

  • Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Decision Making for Advanced Practice - £1580
  • Advanced Practice Skills and Clinical Reasoning - £1580

For detailed module descriptions view MSc Advanced Clinical Practice.

  • Open Module A
  • Open Module B
  • Abdomen

For more information, see the Clinical Reporting web page.

Negotiated learning

There is no formal taught content to this module and the subject/focus of the module is chosen by you, in partnership with your employer and learning facilitator. The University facilitates learning via academic support, relevant guidance materials and access to resources. Workshop sessions will be student-led to critically analyse your learning and development and peer critique is a fundamental component of the module. Negotiated Learning modules can either be undergraduate or postgraduate level.

For students wishing to undertake a level 5 negotiated learning module as a route to level 6 (first degree) study via the BSc Healthcare Practice please note the following:

  • If a student has a level 5 (diploma level) professional qualification from a UK institution it would not normally be necessary to undertake a level 5 module, although, if a student had not studied for many years or had previously studied outside the UK, it might be beneficial to do so and they should discuss learning objectives that will enable them to enhance and refresh their academic skills.
  • Students with overseas professional qualifications will need to undertake the NARIC process in order to determine the UK level to which their qualification matches. Please go to for more information on this process.
  • For those whose certified professional qualifications are either below diploma level from the UK or from overseas institutions that following NARIC map to UK level 4 or lower it is recommended that they undertake a level 5 negotiated learning module as described above but also make contact with the programme director for the programme to which they wish to apply to discuss their specific situation. It may be necessary for them to undertake study of more than one module at level 5 prior to commencing the BSc Healthcare Practice.

Module prices

  • Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Decision Making for Advanced Practice: £1,725
  • Advanced Practice Skills and Clinical Reasoning: £1,725

For detailed module descriptions view MSc Advanced Clinical Practice.


2024/25 tuition fees for shared modules

  UK/EU Overseas
Full-time N/A N/A
Part-time £1,015 per module*

£1,015 per module*

*Fees per 20 credit module. 

2024/25 tuition fees for specialist Advanced Clinical Practice Modules

  UK/EU Overseas
Full-time N/A N/A
Part-time £1,725 £1,725

Students may self-fund their course or a sponsor may fund or part-fund.

Further information

Additional course costs

Although we aim to minimise any additional costs to students over and above the course tuition fee, there will be some additional costs which students are expected to meet.

Costs applicable to all students

Category Description
Text books Own purchase text books
Travel to other sites Where travel to other sites is required, this will be payable by the student
Library charges Students are responsible for the items they borrow from the library and are required to pay the replacement costs of any items that are lost or damaged whilst on loan to them.
Printing & Photocopying The cost of printing and photocopying undertaken by students to support their individual learning are payable by the student


Please select the intake you want to apply for and once your application is received the Postgraduate Admissions team will ask you to select your modules. Note: modules require a minimum number of students in order to run.

June 2025 entry options

Health & Social Care CPD Stand Alone Student Level 6 Stand Alone Student Canterbury


Health & Social Care CPD Stand Alone Student Level 6 Stand Alone Student Medway


CPD Postgraduate Stand Alone Student Level 7 Stand Alone Student Medway


CPD Postgraduate Stand Alone Student Level 7 Stand Alone Student Canterbury APPLY