Learning Developer for Medicine, Health and Social Care at Canterbury.

You can book an appointment with me using the blue buttons below. Different times and dates are available whether you want to see me in person on the Canterbury campus or online using Microsoft Teams.

Bojan KoltajLearning Developer

Are you looking to book a tutorial on Academic, Critical, or Reflective writing?

Please watch the relevant video and explore the slides below before booking an appointment. 

Academic Writing  [Slides]

YouTube video player
Watch on YouTube

Critical Writing [Slides]

YouTube video player
Watch on YouTube

Reflective Writing [Slides]

YouTube video player
Watch on YouTube
In-person meetingOnline meeting

Location: Canterbury



Profile summary

I am the Learning Developer for the Faculty of Medicine, Health & Social Care on the Canterbury Campus. I work within the Learning Skills Team to provide consultancy and guidance to its students and staff in the specialists field of academic literacies and practices.

I am experienced in facilitating learning within a Higher Education academic context and a proactive and creative individual with a passion to remove barriers to learning.