Current awareness

As a postgraduate, you will probably start to read whole issues of journals which specialise in your subject area. Unlike undergraduates who tend to search for individual articles, you will want to know more about who is researching and publishing in your field and the focus of attention of current research. Most journals allow you to sign up for Email Alerts when new issues are published. These provide Table of contents, allowing you to see at a glance what has recently been published. It’s a good way of staying abreast of literature in your subject. Imagine missing a key journal article that is published whilst you are writing up your thesis and which everyone else is talking about.

Journal TOCs is the largest, free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs): over 30,000 journals are covered from publishers such as Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Sage, Wiley, Cambridge and Oxford University Press.

You can set alerts for multiple journals, and specify how regularly you would like to receive updates.

Zetoc Alerts is one of the world’s most comprehensive research databases, giving you access to over 36,000 journals and more than 59 million article citations and conference papers through the British Library’s electronic table of contents and over 875,000 OA article citations and conference papers from PubMed. A handy feature is the ability to search a range of keywords e.g. Women or Suffrage or Emancipation. You can find Zetoc via Find Databases on Library Search.

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