UniTimetables user guide

UniTimetables is the University’s online timetabling system. It lets look up the teaching timetables for all modules and courses based at Canterbury and Medway campuses, including lectures, seminars, workshops, practicals and online classes but excluding placements. 

UniTimetables won’t provide you with a personalised view of the timetable (for that, you need MyTimetable). However, it can still help you to get to where you need to be and when if, for example:

  • you haven’t yet registered on your course of study or been assigned to your teaching activities by your Course team, and therefore you don't yet have an individual student timetable 
  • you are on one of the small number of courses that is unable to provide its students with an individual student timetable
  • you need to know where and when a course other than yours is being taught, for example you are part-way through changing course or you've been invited to attend a lecture on another course.

Use these video guides to get the most out of UniTimetables. 


1. How to view the teaching timetable for a course or module

This introduction to UniTimetables shows you how to look up the teaching timetable for your course, including how to find your course code in MyRecord and how to distinguish the teaching timetable for one year/level of study from another.

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Top tips!

As UniTimetables stores the teaching timetable for hundreds of courses, some of which have very similar names and other details, it helps to be really precise with your search terms.

  • If you're looking for the teaching timetable for your course, it's best to search by course code. This is because your course code is unique whereas another course might have a very similar name. You can find your course code in MyRecord, under ‘My Studies’ > 'My course details' if you are a current student, or under 'Application(s) if you haven't yet registered.
  • If you prefer to search by course title, you'll also find the official title of your course in MyRecord. When searching by name, it also also if you 'Select A Department' to filter the potential results. By 'Department', UniTimetables means the School or Centre that teaches your course or select ‘BA/BSc Combined Honours if you’re studying a combined course. (If you're unsure of your School/Centre, you'll find that in MyRecord too!)
If yours is an Undergraduate course taught over 3 or 4 years, you'll find that there is a separate timetable for each year. So make sure you’re looking for the year that’s applicable to you:
  • 'Level 0' = a foundation year
  • 'Level 4' = the first year of an Undergraduate degree course
  • 'Level 5' = the second year of an Undergraduate degree course
  • 'Level 6' = the third year of an Undergraduate degree course
  • 'Level 7' = a Postgraduate course
Courses taught at Canterbury are marked CANT, to distinguish them from those at MEDWAY.
Advent is the first Semester/Trimester of the academic year, while Easter is the second Semester/Trimester and Trinity the third Trimester.
When choosing your 'View options', it helps if you narrow your search to a short period of time, e.g. a week rather than the full year. This way, you’ll be able to interpret the results more easily.
Instead of searching for your entire course (of which there'll be multiple level of study, and possibly other variants), you might find it easier to search for your modules one-by-one. Once you have registered, you can find the names and codes for your modules on MyRecord


2. How to view the teaching timetable for up to 5 modules or courses simultaneously

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Top tip!

  • Rather than searching for your entire course (which, in some cases, will include literally thousands of classes), you might find it easier to search for your modules one-by-one. Once you are registered, you can find the names and codes of your modules in MyRecord, under 'My Studies'. 


3. How to see more information about individual teaching activities

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4. How to find your way to your teaching room

You can use the links in UniTimetables to open Campus maps and plan your route to where your next class is taking place. 

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Finding your room

To help you find your seminars and lectures, you’ll be given a room code.

Rooms are usually numbered as follows:

  • The first Capital letter/s indicates the building name
  • The second letter or number indicates the floor i.e.: g or 0 = ground, f or 1 =first, s or 2 =second etc
  • The last number indicates the room number

For example:

  • ER.0.02 is Erasmus building, ground floor, room 2
  • Nf03 is Newton building, first floor, room 03

But note, some buildings are numbered differently.