Media resources are a collection of materials in non-traditional formats. They include DVDs, CDs, music scores and newspapers.

Why use media?

Your course may require you to make use of media resources in addition to books and journals. They can be useful additional sources of information in supporting your assignment. If you are unsure what media resources the library has for your subject, contact your Learning and Research Librarian.

If you use media resources in your assignments make sure you reference them correctly. Use Cite Them Right, available via your Blackboards.

The best way to search for resources is by using LibrarySearch. Select Library Resources from the drop down menu to limit your search to items held in the library. Enter your keywords such as ‘lord of the rings’. DVDs come under Visual Materials, so you can either limit by this category on the left hand side, or scroll down looking for the Visual Materials icon.

DVDs can be checked out for 7 days and are held in the 790 classmark.

The library also holds a number of databases via which you can access films, TV and plays. You can find these under Find Databases A-Z on the LibrarySearch homepage.

Databases and sites available via LibrarySearch > Find Databases A-Z include:

  • BFI Player
  • Box of Broadcasts (use CCCU login if you don’t go via LibrarySearch)
  • Digital Theatre + (use your CCCU IT login)
  • Drama online (use your CCCU IT login) (Guide)
  • Kanopy video streaming service (Guide)
  • Teachers TV

Don’t forget you can always use:

The library holds a number of CDs and music scores. The CDs are shelved in a different sequence at the 780 classmark in the 7 day loan section and are in alphabetical order. You can find CDs via LibrarySearch. Select Library Resources from the drop down, enter your keywords such as ‘Bach symphony’ and look for the CD icon.

Music scores can be found in the rolling shelves on the 3rd floor. They are in order of composer’s surname. To find music scores, select Library Resources from the drop down and enter your keywords such as ‘Bach symphony’. You can limit your search to music, and look for the music icon.

The library also holds a number of databases through which you can access music and music scores. You can find these under Find Databases A-Z on the LibrarySearch homepage.

Databases include:

  • Archival Sound Recordings
  • Rock’s Backpages library

You may wish to use images in your assignments. Images cannot be found directly via LibrarySearch, but we do have databases dedicated to images. You can find these under Find Databases on the LibrarySearch homepage.

Databases include:

  • British Cartoon Archive
  • John Johnson Collection
  • Vogue Archive

Don’t forget you can always use:

  • Unsplash
  • Pixabay
  • Flickr (make sure images are copyright free)
  • Google images (make sure images are copyright free)

If you are going to use images in your assignments make sure you reference them correctly. Use Cite Them Right, available via your Blackboards. You may also need to check the copyright restrictions. If you have any questions about copyright check out our copyright guidance.

A wider definition of media is the different ways in which messages are communicated, for example, through newspapers. Newspapers are available online through LibrarySearch. You can find these under Find Databases on the LibrarySearch homepage.

Databases include:

  • British Newspapers 1600-1950
  • Financial Times (Guide)
  • LexisLibrary Newspapers (Guide)
  • Times Digital Archive (Guide)

A blog post entitled Read all about it! gives further advice on how to make the best use of news sources online.

Use LibrarySearch to discover books, journals, articles, audio visual material and more on your chosen topic. This is a good place to start when you are beginning to research a topic as you can draw on content from a variety of different sources.
Database guides
Online databases are great for primary research, background information, latest thinking, detailed theory, standard reference, study skills, and literature searching, and we have plenty to help with your studies.