The library has a wealth of books, journals, databases and special resources to support learning and research for clinical psychology courses run by the Salomons Institute.
Welcome to our Library Guide for Clinical Psychology, including neuropsychology and CBT. As the Learning and Research Librarian for Salomons courses, I am here to support you.Learning and Research Librarian, Medway and Salomons campuses
Salomons campus
The library at the Salomons Institute has a comprehensive collection of books related to clinical psychology for you to find and read. We recommend using LibrarySearch to search for the books you need. To search for a specific book, just type a few words from the title plus the surname of the author(s) into the search box. You can, of course, also search for a topic. Then filter to Books (or Ebooks) under Format in the menu on the Library Resources tab. If you get stuck – please ask!
The books on the shelves at Salomons are organised using a special system based on that used in NHS libraries. There are posters on the end of the shelves to explain which subjects can be found where. A few “shelfmarks” (combinations of numbers and letters) which are particularly useful include:
The majority of books relating to your subject will be found in the Salomons library. However, there are relevant books at all campus libraries. You can request for books to be sent between the campus libraries for collection as inter-site loans. To do this, click the Place Reservation button next to a book on LibrarySearch and specify where you would like to collect it.
Canterbury and Medway campuses
The libraries at Canterbury (Augustine House) and Medway (Drill Hall Library) also hold some material relevant to clinical psychology, alongside a range of other subjects.
The key shelfmark for clinical psychology books at these libraries is 616.8 - any number starting with 616.8 will relate to the nervous system, brain and mental health. In Augustine House, these books are on the top floor. At the Drill Hall Library, these books are found in the Silent Study Zone.
Wherever possible, we also obtain all our books as ebooks, which can be accessed on or off campus. To find the titles we have available, search for your topic on LibrarySearch and use the filters to select ebooks (click the word rather than tick the box). Then click the Link to CCCU ebook button in the record on LibrarySearch and you will usually have the option to read online or download a copy.
You can also find further collections of ebooks and reference information on two resources available via the Find Databases A-Z link on LibrarySearch. These are AccessNeurology and APA Premium Books.
Journals are an important source of scholarly information – think of them as academic magazines that contain articles written by researchers. CCCU library subscribes to journals covering all the subjects taught here.
Print journals
Most journals are online, but you can browse printed copies of some journals in the Salomons library. These are shelved in alphabetical order by the journal title and are for use in the library only. Examples of journals in the library which we do not have online include Asylum, Clinical Psychology Forum, Context and The Psychologist.
Online journals
Use see which journals are available to read online. Make sure you Log In first with your CCCU username and password. You can search for journal articles across all the journals simultaneously using the main search bar to search for a topic, click through to the Digital Resources tab, and limit your search results to "Academic journals" under Source Type.
To find a specific journal try entering the title of a journal into the search box, or use the “Find e-journals by title” link on the LibrarySearch home page. You can also browse e-journals by subject, using Browzine. This software allows you to read a journal like an e-book, so you can look through the whole journal rather than just individual articles. There is an app so you can use it easily on your phone or other mobile device.
There are hundreds of journals relevant for clinical psychology. A few suggested journal titles are:
British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Child & Adolescent Mental Health, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Clinical Psychology Review, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Mental Health, Journal of Neuropsychology and Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Open Access Journals
The Directory of Open Access Journals includes journals such as Frontiers in Psychology and BMC Neuroscience (many of these journals are also searched by LibrarySearch and the subject-specific databases). Open access journals are usually scholarly, but the difference is, the publishers of these journals believe in making their research freely accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This means that you (or your institution) do not have to have a subscription to the journal to be able to read the articles they publish.
CCCU library provides research databases which contain references to articles about clinical psychology. These are all available via LibrarySearch – just click on the Find databases link in the left-hand menu on the home page and you will see an alphabetical list. Browse the list until you find the one you want. Many of the key databases have guides available, which often include a video demo.
Some databases which are particularly useful for clinical psychology include:
Additional databases you may wish to explore:
The web, of course, offers access to a vast array of information. However, we would recommend ensuring that you use only information from trustworthy, verified sources. Always ask yourself who is responsible for the information you are reading and who their target audience is (the level of detail on pages written for therapists and services users is very different, for instance). Two good places to start:
The British Psychological Society (BPS) has a comprehensive website including news, guidelines and much more. The BPS publishes a range of journals. We subscribe to many of these at CCCU, and members of the BPS can access the complete collection. A particularly useful resource is their research digest which summarises interesting research articles.
British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) website covers information for therapists and members of the public.
You may also wish to visit some useful free online databases:
The library generally does not provide access to legislation or to statistics, as these are maintained on freely-available sites. A few of the most useful are:
In addition to reading texts, you can find a wide range of visual and audio sources through the library. These sources can be accessed via the Find Databases A-Z menu on LibrarySearch.
You can access a number of other useful tools for your learning through the Library.
The Learning Skills Hub was created by members of the Learning Skills Team, including Librarians and Learning Developers. It includes modules on a range of study skills, with a selection written specifically for postgraduate students.
Tools available via the Find Databases A-Z link on LibrarySearch include: