‘Mintel Reports’ is a collection of market research reports, news items, and analyst insights that contain details of consumer research, analysis, market drivers, market segmentation, and forecasts.

The world’s leading brands rely on Mintel Reports for the most complete, objective, and actionable market intelligence. Mintel’s reports combine exclusive consumer research with trustworthy market data and expert analysis. Providing cutting-edge insights, they can tell you where a particular market is heading and the trends on the horizon.

If you are studying Marketing at CCCU, you can use Mintel Reports to discover all you need to know about a specific market – and you can download data in various formats to import into your assignments or use in your presentations.

Our subscription includes the following categories: Automotive; Clothing and footwear; Drink; Ecommerce; Food; Food service; Home retailing; Leisure; Lifestyles; Media; Retail; Technology and Travel.

    1. Go to LibrarySearch. 

    2. Log in using your CCCU username and password. If you are away from campus or connecting with your own device over Wi-Fi, you will need to include @canterbury.ac.uk after your CCCU username.

    3. Select Find Databases A-Z, then click on M, and finally click on the link to Mintel Reports to open it in a new tab.

    4. If you are accessing Mintel for the first time, you will need to register first. You will receive a validation code by email.

    5. Before accessing Mintel Reports, you will need to read the Terms and Conditions and accept these at the bottom of the page by clicking Accept.
  • On the ‘Mintel Reports’ homepage go to the ‘I’m looking for…’ search box and type in your topic.

  • You can start by reading a short introduction to the topic.

  • You can download the executive summary, infographic overview, report presentation, databook, or report brochure as a PDF.

  • Click on Table of Contents to display all of the report sections. You can scroll through these sections and access different parts of the report by clicking on the relevant heading.

  • Or, you can go to the Report Content, which shows you what sections make up this group and you can access them all from there.

  • The Overview section sets the report in the context of the wider market and tells you what specific products are covered.

  • You will find a lot of useful infographics in the Executive Summary and important facts and implications in Issues and Insights.

  • You can also browse reports.

The Market section tells you What You Need to Know about the market, discusses Market Size and Segmentation, and lists Market Drivers.

The Consumer section contains original consumer research reports examining the impact of social, economic, cultural, and psychological influences on consumers.

The Brand/ Company section contains brand research data and informed analysis relating to usage, satisfaction, recommendation, momentum, and trust.

The Data section provides easily manipulated and downloadable tables of data you can use in your assignments.

  • To save or print a report section, click on the Doc link at the top of the page. A dialogue box will open.

  • You can choose to open or save this section as a Word document.

  • The ‘Export Basket‘ option lets you keep individual sections of a report before downloading and printing.
  1. On the ‘Mintel Reports’ homepage go to the I’m looking for… search box and type in COVID-19.

  2. Choose one of the Suggested Titles (e.g. Technology Habits of Generation Z Inc Impact of COVID-19) and click on the link.

  3. Download the Executive Summary, Infographic Overview, and the Databook and have a look at these.

  4. Click on some of the links in the Databook; you can copy and paste any of these tables for use in an assignment.

  5. Now click on the Table of Contents and have a look at one of the sections listed (e.g. Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behaviour).

  6. Now go back and look under Report Content and click on Overview. This section sets the report in the context of the wider market and tells you what specific products are covered.

  7. Go back and click on Issues and Insights.

  8. Click on the ‘Doc‘ and ‘Print‘ options to see the page displayed as a Word document or to print the text.

  9. You can also browse reports. Go back to the main Mintel homepage by clicking on the yellow link in the top left-hand corner.

  10. From the menus provided, choose a Category, Region, or Demographic and select COVID-19.

  11. Have a look at some of the reports listed.

  12. Reflect on the type of information appearing in your search or browsing exercise. How will you use this information in your assignments?

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Your Learning and Research Librarian will be able to help you make the best use of online resources. For detailed guidance, book a tutorial via the Learning Skills Hub.

The LibrarySearch services will help you discover books, journals, articles, audio visual material and more on your chosen topic. This is a good place to start when you are beginning to research a topic as you can draw on content from a variety of different sources.
Database guides
Online databases are great for primary research, background information, latest thinking, detailed theory, standard reference, study skills, and literature searching, and we have plenty to help with your studies.