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11 July 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm

You have set up your LinkedIn profile and started to grow your network, but what's next? Learn how to use LinkedIn find jobs that interest you.

This workshop will build on the LinkedIn Part One session and explore different ways to use LinkedIn to find jobs.

We will look at:

What are the different ways to search for jobs on LinkedIn?

How do I research companies on LinkedIn?

How do I find someone I met while networking on LinkedIn?

I have an interview, how do I use LinkedIn to prepare?

Come along to the workshop with your device and leave with an understanding of how to find jobs and companies on LinkedIn.

This workshop is in-person and we encourage you to bring a laptop or device so you can search during the workshop. There are further workshops on setting up your LinkedIn profile, how to post engaging content and how to use LinkedIn's more advanced settings. If you are not sure what session is best for you, drop by the careers hub and we can advise you.

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For further information

Careers and Enterprise Team