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18 July 2024
3:00pm - 4:15pm

You have set up a LinkedIn profile and started to grow your network, but what's next? This workshop will show you how to post engaging and relevant content.

This workshop will build on the LinkedIn Part One and Two and explore different ways to post content on LinkedIn.

We will look at:

What content should I be posting? What will encourage engagement and be interesting and suitable for a LinkedIn post?

How can I engage with my network?

What are the unspoken rules for posting videos, articles, polls and using LinkedIn Live?

How do LinkedIn's algorithms affect my posts?

Come along to the workshop with your device and whatever questions or functions on LinkedIn you want to explore!

This workshop is in-person and for those who are new to LinkedIn and haven't been posting content yet or those who want more help with the different styles of posting to create more engagement with their content. There are further workshops on using LinkedIn for job searching, how to set up your profile and how to use LinkedIn's more advanced settings. If you are not sure what session is best for you, drop by the careers hub and we can advise you.

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Careers and Enterprise Team