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11 July 2024
7:00pm - 11:00pm
£5 refundable deposit
Exact location confirmed after booking

CCCU alumni social and networking event designed for professionals in the security, policing, law enforcement, and criminal justice sectors.


This event is designed for professionals in the security, policing, law enforcement, and criminal justice sectors.

The event will be an informal networking evening in London, at The Founder’s Arms on the Southbank (52 Hopton Street, London, SE1 9JH)

Please register in advance. You can secure your spot with a £5 refundable deposit. Please register by 9 July 2024. There will be a small selection of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) available on the night and light nibbles.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to:

Socialise: Have fun on a summer night overlooking the Thames!

Forge valuable connections: Meet fellow alumni to open doors to new opportunities.

Stay ahead of the curve: Gain insights into the latest trends, challenges, and advancements in the security, policing, law enforcement sectors.

Re-engage with CCCU: Discover how you can continue to benefit from CCCU resources, such as Career Support through Alumni Services and access to our professional development courses.

Please share with other CCCU alumni who may be interested in attending.

In the meantime, connect with the CCCU Alumni Network on LinkedIn and subscribe to the Canterbury Centre for Policing Research Blog.

We can’t wait to welcome you!

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