Using the Quote component allows us to add a quotation which is stylised on the live web page.


Quote wireframe
An example of a Quote component

It consists of several text areas as well as having the option for an image and a link to a relevant source.

An example quote on the live website
An example quote on the live website

Creating or editing the quote component requires:

  • The main quote text, entered or edited via a simple text box
  • Source – which is usually the person or organisation that has made the statement
  • Source image – this is optional but would typically be of the person making the statement. It can either be uploaded or chosen from an existing image within Contensis.
  • If you are using a logo of an organisation, for example, use the toggle as this will style it appropriately.
  • Role/job title can be used where relevant
  • Finally, a link can be added to either an internal entry or an external source relevant to the quote, with an example being a course page. Link text defaults to the name of the linked page, but can be overridden by using the 'Link text override' field. 

In the back end of Contensis with these fields filled in, our example quote looks like this:

A quote feature in Contensis.

If you need to edit the quote or its constituent parts, you simply need to edit the relevant text area, image or associated link. 

The component can be moved by dragging and dropping, or changing the order via the three dots in the top right hand side of the component area.

Component in action