Profile cards allow you to create a small card which displays details about a person or a team. These include a name, image, contact details and job role. Profile Cards display in the sidebar content of a page as supplementary information to the main content.
An example of a Profile Card component
This wireframe image details the basic layout of a Profile Card which consists of a round image followed by five lines of text which are (from the top down):
Name (of individual or team)
Contact description
Email address
Phone number
When adding a profile card to a page, the first thing you should do is check whether one exists for the person or team you want to display. Simply click the '+ Select a profile' button and use the search to do so.
To create a new Profile Card, click on the 'Create a new Profile' link which will open a dialogue box to start filling in using the following steps:
Name: Add the name of the individual, call to action or team you want display
Role: You can add an individual's job role to this section, however, it isn't a mandatory field.
Image: Add an image relevant to what the Profile card is displaying. This could be the individual in question or a representative of the team. You can select an existing image with the green '+ Select an image' button, or upload a new one using the 'Upload' link. Images must be 600 by 600 pixels.
Short bio: This doesn't render on the card, but is useful to fill in providing a short bio of the person or team.
Bio: You can add a longer bio in this section, which is a normal text box. Again, this doesn't render.
Contact description: You can add a short description about the profile here.
Contact number: If a phone number is available, add it here.
Contact email: Add a contact email address in this field. This will be clickable when live to allow people to make contact.
View profile: If there's another place you can link to for a more detailed profile or relevant web page, add it in here.
Once you have filled in all the relevant fields, you can save and publish the profile card. It will then be available for use on multiple pages across the website.
Remember: When editing a Profile card in one location, the changes will be made across the site.