You can organise your own visit or reunion at any time and make it exactly what you want it to be. We also offer The Priory, adjacent to Canterbury Campus, as a beautiful setting for weddings and receptions, or any special event.

Whether you’re just dropping into the University informally on your own, or thinking of a full scale anniversary celebration, we can help you get started. We can assist with locating missing friends, or with notifying former classmates from a specific department and / or year that you are planning an event.

We also offer a programme of activies you can include in your reunion, as well as discounted prices on hospitality and accommodation, all to make your experience of returning to CCCU a truly memorable one.

What we offer

Find out how you can build your reunion event of choice by exploring the options below. Also discover more about holding a wedding or other special event at The Priory.

You are welcome to visit the Canterbury Campus at any time to have a look around on your own. Simply let us know you are coming by using the booking form below and we will advise Reception staff to expect you on the day. Please report to Reception in Old Sessions House, or the Security Team in Anselm building when you arrive, so they know you are here.

If you haven’t been back to CCCU for a while, our alumni team would be delighted to give you a guided tour around the Canterbury Campus to help you get re-orientated, give you access into buildings that would otherwise be closed and give you the background to developments that have occurred since you left. How much or little you choose to explore after a guided tour is completely up to you.

Like our Explorer package, Explorer Plus offers you the benefit of a guided tour around the Canterbury Campus, provided by a member of the Alumni Team, to help you get re-orientated, access buildings that would be otherwise closed and to give you the background on developments that have occurred since you left CCCU. In addition, with Explorer Plus you can either precede the tour with morning coffee, or conclude it with afternoon tea (depending on the time of your visit).

COST: FREE for groups of up to eight people. Nine or more participants are charged at £5 per head.

During July and August, you have the option of combining any of our visit packages (Keep it Simple, Explorer and Explorer Plus) with overnight accommodation at the University.

Simply complete the attached booking form below, indicating your preferred visit package AND that you need accommodation and a member of our Conferencing team will be in touch to discuss the options with you.

COST: All accommodation is offered to alumni at a 15% discount, with prices ranging from £52 to £74. Please note these are the prices for 2024 and are subject to change for the coming year. Full apartment and house bookings are also available.

If you are organising a large alumni group reunion, or celebrating a particular alumni anniversary, we can offer a range of options to help you create the perfect day back at Canterbury Campus. You can select any, or all, of the components below to include within your event:

  • a tour of the Campus (free)
  • a tour of the new Campus development (free)
  • coffee on arrival, or afternoon cream tea (complimentary if this is an anniversary celebration; otherwise £5 per person)
  • overnight accommodation (July and August only - prices vary)
  • hot or cold fork buffet (prices vary).

St Martin’s Priory is Canterbury’s hidden treasure, nestled in the heart of Kent and the Garden of England and sitting within the borders of the world heritage site of St Martin’s Church. Some of you may remember having lessons here, singing carols, celebrating special events, or relaxing in its beautiful grounds.

The Priory is now licensed to hold wedding ceremonies in its iconic Grade II listed building. The venue offers a fantastic backdrop to a wedding reception, with vast amounts of space, seclusion and privacy throughout your day.

We would really love to support our alumni with their special day and would be honoured for you to choose us as your wedding venue, or to celebrate any special occasion. This is why we offer you a 15% discount on venue hire.

Whether you are getting hitched, renewing your vows, arranging a Christmas party, or christening your child and need a reception, the team at St Martin’s Priory would love to get involved and support you each step of the way.

Any questions?