Find out how our staff are integral members of the CCCU community and what societies are available to them. 

We understand the importance of connecting people in our University community, and we are committed to providing a friendly and inclusive work and social environment. We have a range of equality networks, special interest groups, clubs, and events that bring our staff community together.

Canterbury Christ Church Creatives

Canterbury Christ Church Creatives is a group for staff and students of the University which brings people together to craft and make art for enjoyment and wellbeing. All crafts and arts, and all levels of crafting and art-making skills, are embraced. New members are always welcome. 

Staff Climate Action Network  

Set up in response to the University’s declaration of a Climate Emergency, the Staff Climate Action Network aims to galvanize activity around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).This provides staff the opportunity to share their experience of working with the SDGs, respond to the Climate Emergency, and meet others who share concerns around organisational and individual sustainability.

Christ Church Runners

Our free-to-join running club brings runners together from across the University, creating a community of all abilities. The club meets weekly during lunchtimes to run a variety of fun routes located close to the Canterbury Campus, and support runners with regular updates, event suggestions, running workshops, and advice.

University Chorus

Open to all staff and students, the University Chorus is a large, friendly choir that performs a range of repertoire in major University events, including the Carols by Candlelight service and the annual Cathedral Concert.

Christ Church Gospel Choir

The Gospel Choir is open to all students, staff and alumni, without needing to be able to read music. Performing a range of traditional and contemporary Gospel songs at University and external events, the Gospel Choir has achieved third place in University Gospel Choir of the Year two years running.

Christ Church Staff Book Club

Christ Church Staff Book Club is perfect for anyone interested in reading books, chatting about books, and getting to know other lit-minded people. The Book Club meets virtually at lunchtime every first Tuesday of the month to discuss the chosen book. 

Carols by Candlelight

Every year we celebrate Christmas with Carols by Candlelight, a carol service held in the stunning location of Canterbury Cathedral. Staff, students, and invited guests take part in an evening of carols lit entirely by candlelight, with music provided by the University’s talented choirs and musicians.

Staff Summer Reception

Taking place each summer on the Canterbury Campus, our Staff Summer Reception gives colleagues the chance to meet informally, enjoy food and drink together, and celebrate the end of a successful academic year.

Vice-Chancellor’s Challenge

Each year the Vice-Chancellor sets a new Challenge, inviting staff to form teams and battle it out in an attempt to take victory. Designed to help promote wellbeing across the University community, each year’s Challenge features fun, physical, and mental games that require valiant teamwork and a good sense of humour!

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