We take the concerns of our neighbours very seriously. If local residents experience anti-social behaviour and believe our students are involved, there are places they can go to report issues.
We have compiled a list of key community contacts so you can direct your concerns to the people most able to help.
If you need any further advice or support, please contact the Community Liaison Manager, who can advise on a number of community related issues and works with local residents and communities across our campus areas.
Non-urgent crime call 101, or in an emergency call 999, or visit kent.police.uk.
You can find out who your Police Constable or Police Community Support Officer is by going to the Kent Police website and entering your postcode.
Tel: 01227 862 122
Canterbury City Council Officers have powers to deal with noise complaints, including Noise Abatement Notices, formal Cautions, prosecution (maximum fine is £5000 for domestic cases) and in extreme cases confiscation of music equipment.
Canterbury City Council deal with complaints of ongoing incidents of noise, but do not deal with one-off problems, such as loud parties. If you feel it is a serious issue, then you can contact kent.police.uk or call 101. The council also only operates within normal office hours.
Tel: 01227 862 202
Email: envhealth@canterbury.gov.uk
You can contact the council regarding issues with bins and waste whether to find out your bin collection day, report a missed collection or report fly-tipping or dumped waste.
For more information about bins or waste, visit Canterbury City Council.
Contact: https://www.canterbury.gov.uk/contact-us Tel: 01227 947 860
To report parking in a dangerous position or causing an obstruction call Kent Police non-urgent crime on call 101, or in an emergency call 999, or visit kent.police.uk.
Tel: 01227 862 429 Email:
Under the Housing Act 2004, a licensed landlord must be a fit and proper person with suitable management arrangements for their property and this includes controlling anti-social behaviour.
Many tenancies will have clauses in them specifically prohibiting nuisance and noise. Landlords can be traced through the letting agents or, for a small fee, through the Land Registry online property search.
Non-urgent crime on call 101, or in an emergency call 999, or visit kent.police.uk
Kent Police have teams of Neighbourhood Officers who work solely for a specific community or area. Apart from special circumstances and emergencies, neighbourhood police officers don't have other duties. Their role is to get to know the people in their communities in order to tackle anti-social behaviour as well as crime and disorder.
You can find out who your Police Constable or Police Community Support Officer is by going to the Kent Police website and entering your postcode.
If you wish to talk to someone about community issues regarding student accommodation please contact the team:
Tel: 01227 923000 Email: accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk