
    Advanced practice is built upon four pillars of practice: clinical practice, facilitating learning, leadership, and evidence, research, and development. This course will develop your professional practice in your workplace and the practice of others you work with to provide high quality care.

    Responding to changes required in response to the 10-year NHS plan and the future needs of the population requires a workforce well prepared to provide practice and services that enhance the experience of service users. The generic nature of the course supports all students from a wide variety of professions and roles to apply learning to their individual circumstances and develop advanced professional practice.

    Why study Healthcare Practice Neonatal Pathway at CCCU?

    Students that have applied for explicit pathways (Simulation or Neonatal) will be required to complete and pass specified modules within the MSc Healthcare Practice course which emphasises the need to develop advanced practice for quality healthcare provision for all people across the healthcare sector.

    Responding to changes required in response to the 10-year NHS plan and the future needs of the population requires a workforce well prepared to provide practice and services that enhance the experience of service users.

    Some priority areas have been identified for the local workforce and these have been included as identified pathways (Simulation or Neonatal). This will enable individuals working in specific roles to meet the requirements of their employers.

    The MSc Healthcare Practice (Neonatal Pathway) is designed to be a flexible and responsive course, meeting the learning and development needs of all healthcare professionals. It is open to applicants who have at least 12 months experience on a neonatal unit and are working a minimum of 23 hours per week clinically throughout the programme.

    Through critical analysis of theory, research, policy and legislation you will be supported to advance scholarship and practice. A culture of interprofessional collaboration will be fostered through the provision of opportunities to learn with, from and about others including service-users. Knowledge and skills gained could enhance your continuing development, improve your performance at work and benefit the organisations that you work for now and in the future.

    It is open to both experienced and newly registered healthcare practitioners working in a range of roles and service contexts.

    Entry requirements

    This course is only open to overseas students who are already in the UK and working for the NHS. We are unable to sponsor a Student Route VISA for this course.

    Entry requirements for this programme are in line with University policies on widening participation and equality of opportunity. Applicants should normally possess:

    • A relevant first degree in health/social sciences


    • A professional registration to practice in health and/or social care or equivalent.

    Applicants should have at least 12 months experience on a neonatal unit and be working a minimum of 23 hours per week clinically throughout the programme.

    For more information on the IELTS (International English language Testing System) requirements for this course, please click here to visit our dedicated IELTS web page.

    Module information

    Please note: All three modules must be completed to gain the Postgraduate Certificate. 

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    Learning and teaching strategies will involve you as an active participant; you will be encouraged to use self-evaluation and reflection on your own experience to deepen and consolidate your understanding as well as plan for your future learning.

    This programme recognises that you are the experts in your field of health and care practice but will facilitate you to enhance your learning to seek innovative solutions for your own practice and as a leader to transform health and care delivery. Your own emotional wellbeing and connection to Health and Care Progressive Practice will be nurtured.

    Modules are organised using a range of teaching and learning methods to facilitate your academic and professional development. These methods include a blend of classroom based, online and work-based learning activities.

    Teaching and learning methods are supported by technologies e.g. our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). A strong emphasis on building of transformational networks for learning communities and wider local and national networks is advocated.

    How you’ll be assessed

    There is a variety of assessments from case studies to examinations. Throughout the course your knowledge and skills will be informally assessed through a variety of learning activities. You will be encouraged to engage in self-assessment and may be actively involved in peer assessment. Formative assessment (during the module but not part of the final assessment) opportunities will be offered within each module as a part of your on-going learning.

    Your future career

    After completion of the Post-Graduate Certificate Healthcare Practice (Neonatal) students can choose to apply to continue onto the full MSc Healthcare Practice.


    Tuition fees for this course

      UK Overseas
    20 credit module £1,070 per module £1,070 per module
    40 credit module £2,135 per module £2,135 per module
    60 credit module £3,200 per module £3,200 per module


    20% Alumni Discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Masters by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important Information on Tuition Fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the 2024/25 Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

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    Medway, Canterbury