
    This course is also available as an Extended Master's that helps International students adjust to studying in the UK.

    The MA in Games Design has been created to support students coming from creative or technical backgrounds to learn the essential skills necessary to make games.

    It is intended as a course for people with an active interest in making games, who have expertise in related creative or technical field. Whether you have experience in creative writing, music, illustration, or indeed prior game design you will learn to develop and apply your skills to make games. 

    Why study Games Design at CCCU?

    Our MA Games Design course is for people with an active interest in making games. Making games is technically and creatively demanding, and quite different to appreciating and playing games. If you’ve experience in another creative or technical discipline you understand what kind of engagement and dedication is required.

    The Master's is designed to support those wishing to apply their skills to games design, or who simply want the opportunity to continue their studies at postgraduate level and work on more ambitious projects. It is designed for graduates who have completed a degree in a related field and wish to develop their career prospects; or graduates who have completed a degree in a different discipline but now wish to pursue a career in games.

    It is also designed for those who already work in a related role and who wish to enhance their effectiveness and confidence in the workplace or to develop their career prospects.

    This MA is an excellent way to build your skills in game design and development. Our focus on collaboration, professional skills, and a combination of long and short duration game projects, ensures that you learn through doing and can develop your creative vision.

    Dr Alan Meades, Principal Lecturer Games Design

    All about the course

    Our MA Games Design course enables you to apply and convert your skills to games design, learning the key skills in research and production before applying these on game development projects. Working collaboratively with other creative and technical game designers, you will emerge with imaginative, original research, confidence in combining theory and practice, a new network of contacts and a portfolio of games.

    As a technologically orientated Masters programme you will have access to a range of online and in-person learning materials and approaches, we designed the course to be taught through a combination of intensive in person sessions, online interactive and guided learning through individual and group tutorials.

    The course is taught by a team of experienced educators, game designers and theorists. Our course is unique in that it is delivered alongside multiple degree routes in the broader Creative and Cultural Industries subject areas, which enables you to have a multi- and interdisciplinary learning experience and meet and collaborate with a range of creative professionals.  

    Entry requirements

    Undergraduate degree at 2:2 or above, or alternative qualifications and substantial relevant experience may be considered.  

    For more information on the IELTS (International English language Testing System) requirements for this course, please click here to visit our dedicated IELTS web page.

    Module information

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    The MA in Games Design has six core modules that you will study during the year. These are:

    • Creativity, Culture, and Community (20 credits)
    • Thinking Like a Game Designer (20 credits)
    • Digital Game Development Essentials (20 credits)
    • Collaborative Practice (40 credits)
    • Professional Development (20 credits)
    • Final Project (60 credits)

    Before starting the course, you'll be invited to attend an induction session which will give you details about academic, research and writing skills needed to study at postgraduate level. The induction will include such elements as library skills, IT applications, relevant software skills, research skills and writing at Masters’ level. It is also an opportunity to meet with other students on the course.  

    The course is taught through a combination of intensive in person sessions, online interactive and self-directed teaching, as well as group and individual tutorials. Face to face sessions will take place in Canterbury on our main campus next to the city centre. Students will receive over 260 hours scheduled contact over their course, and are expected to supplement this with independent study. Our online Virtual Learning Environment allows students to interact with each other outside of the physical class time, allowing a lively culture to develop, even at a distance.   

    How you’ll be assessed

    Throughout the course your knowledge and skills will be informally assessed through a variety of learning activities. You will be encouraged to engage in self-assessment and may be actively involved in peer assessment.

    Formally, the course is assessed solely through coursework, including portfolio work, reports, essays and presentations.

    Your future career

    Graduates of this course will be able to pursue careers in a variety of roles related to the games industry, including setting up an indie studio or joining an established team, and within related creative agencies, branding, charities, the arts, education. Others may use this as a way to start their own studios.

    Students completing this MA might also go on to undertake a PhD in Games Design or a teaching qualification to take their practice into a school, FE or HE setting.


    Government loans are available for some postgraduate Master’s courses. Loans are subject to both personal and course eligibility criteria.

    The rules around course eligibility mean that in some cases it may depend on how you are studying (full-time or part-time) as to whether you can apply for a postgraduate loan. To check whether your course is eligible, you can email the Student Fees Team or call 01227 923 456.

    Tuition fees for this course

      UK Overseas
    Full-time £9,545 £15,500

    20% Alumni Discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Master's by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important Information on Tuition Fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

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