
    Our doctorate delivers the advantages of working within a community of fellow researchers, engaging seminars, presentations and publication whilst also becoming involved in a substantial individual research thesis of your own. 

    The sense of community, collaboration in the development of ideas and the opportunity to explore aspects of research, policy and professional practice, is at the core of this course. It builds upon the knowledge and skills that you, as a professional, bring and assumes that your professionalism is an integral part of the doctoral journey – ensuring that journey is unique to you.

    Study at doctoral level embraces all the critical and analytical skills present in master's level work but also includes a stronger element of distinctiveness and originality. Doctoral work should make a contribution to the field of knowledge within which you are researching, and should be of potentially publishable standard.

    The doctorate is a part-time programme that delivers the advantages of working within a community of fellow researchers, engaging seminars, presentations and publication whilst at the same time becoming involved in a substantial individual research thesis of your own. The sense of community, of collaboration in the development of ideas and the opportunity to explore in depth aspects of research, policy and professional practice, is at the core of this course.

    The EdD has been a transformative process for me in my work and life as a whole. I discovered a new self and it opened a whole world of literature, methodologies and research methods that I had never before encountered.

    Louise Headmistress

    All about the course

    Modules include the nature of research and research design in education; the relationship between research; policy and professional practice' advanced research methodology; the role of theory and designing strong research proposals.

    The doctorate culminates with a thesis, which may substantially draw on issues related to your own professional context.

    This doctoral course combines advanced scholarship with a strong practice based philosophy. It builds upon the knowledge and skills that you, as a professional, bring to your study, and assumes that your professionalism is an integral part of the doctoral journey – where you will engage in intellectual and critical debate around contemporary educational issues in policy and practice.

    Each module is designed to integrate professional experience with the skills and understanding necessary to innovate and apply new knowledge to advance your practice and enrich your learning.

    The taught element of the Ed.D means that you are fully supported within a structured course as you progress towards your thesis. The division of the Ed.D into a taught stage and a thesis stage provides maximum flexibility in that you can develop existing interests and discover and investigate new areas.

    Entry requirements

    The normal entry requirements for the Ed.D are that you have four years of professional experience, plus either a Masters degree or evidence of further study that will equip candidates to engage in scholarly and research activity at doctoral level.

    If English is not your first language you require an IELTS overall score of 6.0 with no element below 5.5 for most standard undergraduate and postgraduate courses. There are some exceptions and if the IELTS requirement differs it will be specified on the course page.

    Module information

    The taught stage of the Ed.D consists of seven modules. For years 3,4 and 5, students move to the thesis stage and there are no more modules. 

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    Full use is made of the range of teaching approaches. You are required to be able to work and discuss in a way that is flexible from within your own disciplines and professional contexts but also in ways that go beyond these boundaries. The use of an extensive range of teaching strategies will support the development of postgraduate skills that will substantiate your learning and research.

    You will be taught over study weekends. There will be a mixture of seminars, tutorials, collaborative work, lectures and workshops. Significant sections of the course will be delivered by researchers who are active in specialised fields of professional enquiry and you will have the opportunity to discuss and analyse their work with them.

    Below gives an indication of the key features of the teaching days and the tutorials.

    • The thesis writing stage of the Ed.D will be supervised through individual tutorials. The bulk of this period will be self-directed study and writing and researching although you will have regular tutorials with your supervisors and have access to discussion forums on Blackboard.
    • During the thesis writing stage you will meet with your supervisors at least once a term and you may, at the request of your supervisors, be required to submit evidence of work/progress once a month. You may be expected to provide evidence of written work and reading and to participate in discussions about the progress of your thesis. You will be expected to participate in seminars and discussion forums organised as part of the faculty research culture where they are relevant to your study.
    • During the thesis writing stage you will be expected to regularly participate in relevant scholarly activities for example attending and giving papers at conferences, participation in seminars and workshops.
    • Ed.D participants will be taught by professors, readers, research theme leaders and specialist tutors.

    What I have studied on the EdD has directly impacted on my professional role and vice versa. The two work really well together for me. Critically evaluating a theory from an academic point of view is great, but the knowledge of educational practice gives it extra meaning and relevance.

    AnnikeHead of Department in an FE college

    How you’ll be assessed

    A range of written assignments, including essays, literature reviews and portfolio, and a final doctoral thesis.


    Tuition fees for this course

      UK Overseas
    Full-time N/A N/A
    Part-time £3,470  £9,775


    Important information on tuition fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the 2024/25 Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

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