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27 February 2025
Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, FE Level 1, FE Level 2
Min 1 - Max 100+
8:30am - 4:15pm
University Campus

Aimed at all school and college staff with careers/progression, student support, or leadership roles. This year's theme is ‘Growing Great Education’.

27 February 2025: 8:30am - 4:15pm

Alongside networking opportunities, a marketplace and chance to tour our Creative Industries and STEMM facilities we'll have a range of workshops, roundtable discussions and keynote talks. 

The conference will take a positive look at the future of education with speakers from schools, colleges, universities, the third sector and more. If you'd like to develop your career, extend your network of contacts, and take a positive look at the future of education, join us on campus, for a full day of CPD.

The conference is open to:

  • All colleagues with leadership responsibility (primary, secondary and FE phases) inclusive of middle, senior and executive leaders in schools & Colleges.
  • All colleagues in secondary and FE phases with careers, progression and/or student wellbeing/support responsibility.

Alongside networking opportunities, a marketplace and chance to tour our Creative Industries and STEMM facilities we have keynote speakers and a range of interactive workshops and round table discussions.

Conference Sessions

  • Planning Tomorrow’s Education
  • Maximising impact Individual and Group CEIAG
  • The changing face of Pastoral Responsibilities
  • Employability for Future Ready Students
  • Work Experience & Beyond: Skills and Partnerships
  • Global Education in a Fragile World
  • Sustaining Professional Learning Communities
  • STEM Hub: Support for STEMM Careers and opportunities

Keynote Speakers 

Dr. Sue Roffey; Director of Growing Great schools Worldwide: ASPIRE: Wellbeing and Learning for All 

Prof. Tristram Hooley; Visiting Professor CCCU: Purposeful Careers Guidance for Social Justice 


"Excellent conference, well organised and with lots of clarity ahead of the day. Superb range of events with a good balance of time to network and feel challenged."(2024 delegate)


Please click book event for the full schedule and timings.

School and College Engagement