Richard McManus

Professor Richard McManus

Professor of Economics

Christ Church Business School

I am Director of Research Development at Christ Church Business School and Reader in Macroeconomic Policy.

I am Director of Research Development at Christ Church Business School, Interim Section Director for Postgraduate and Professional, and Reader in Macroeconomic Policy.

A graduate of the University of York with a BSc in Economics, I went on to qualify as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young. After I graduated with an MSc in Economics from the University of York and completed my Ph.D. from there also. Since then, I have been at Christ Church Business School from August 2013.

I research in macroeconomics currently focusing on the impact of constitutions on economic outcomes, and the impact of tax changes on tax revenue. I have published widely both in academic journals as well as in mainstream media, having my work cited in The Telegraph and Times Higher Education in the UK, as well in the US and Turkey. I have also written for the Guardian, the Conversation and been interviewed on Faculti.

I have won a University Teaching Fellowship Award for Innovation and a Teaching Excellence award in Academic Teaching; I have also won two awards as given by students.