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Naomi Rintoul-Hynes

Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes

I am a Senior Lecturer in Soil Science and Environmental Management, and the Course Director for Wildlife Ecology & Conservation Science and Geography.

I studied environmental science, gaining both my undergraduate and PhD from University of York. I was a sessional lecturer at University of York before moving to CCCU in 2013, where I teach on a variety of modules related to ecology, agriculture, environmental pollution and conservation.

I am passionate about higher education, and endeavour to provide an excellent student experience whilst conducting international research. My main research interests are:
• Sustainable agriculture and agrobiodiversity
• Environmental pollution and remediation
• Soil forensics and forensic entomology

I teach on the Science Skills module (Foundation) and am Module Director for Natural Environments (Year 1) and Soils, Plants, and Environment (Year 2).

My background is in environmental science, so I mainly teach topics related to ecology, pollution and environmental management within the Section of Natural and Applied Sciences.  I am particularly passionate about soils, and endeavour to persuade my students that soil is a fascinating, biodiverse, vitally important and fast-diminishing resource. This isn’t solely about agriculture and food security though: I also interested in how soil pollution can impact human health, the role soils play in football pitch playability and injury risk, how soil properties can affect estimations of time since death in a murder investigation, and what chemical signatures in the soil can tell archaeologists about how people lived thousands of years ago.  

I am keen to involve students in my research: I run an active lab volunteer group with students who assist with my research projects and have also employed several students on my research projects. I am currently supervising three PhD students and five MSc by Research students. 

The Rintoul-Hynes lab group has three key areas of interest:

sustainable agriculture and agrobiodiversity, environmental pollution and remediation, and soil forensics and forensic entomology.

Current members of my research group are:

Chris Ferguson (PhD in pollution and phtoremediation), Maya Sollen-Norrlin (PhD in climate resilience and sustainable apple orchard management), Amy Batbold (PhD in the importance of urban green spaces for mental and physical health), Pip Bromley (MSc in sustainable agriculture and soil health), Alice Crabb (MA in forensic entomology), Lara Shilston (Msc in pollution uptake in wilflowers and impact on pollen abundance/morphology), Holly Chart (MSc in the benefits of mycorrhizal fungi additives for commercial strawberry cultivars) and Libby Maw (BSc in mycorrhizal fungi abundance in orchards and links to soil health).

Past members include Konstantinos Tsiolis (MSc in whether bare soil landscapes encourage ground-nesting bees) and Holly Harrison (MSc in the effect of burial conditions on human remains).


I am actively looking for MSc or PhD students in the following research topics:

  • Soil pollution and remediation
  • Toxicity effects on soil organisms
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Soil forensics or forensic entomology

Current research

Heavy metal pollution effects on soils, ecosystems and human health

I am quantifying pollution and its effects on soil organisms and plant HM uptake at Parys Mountain, Wales. In addition, my PhD student, Christopher Ferguson, is mapping soil pollution by tanneries in India and investigating the phytoremediation potential of crops (collaboration with Gandhigram Rural Institute University).

Valorisation of roadside nature reserves

This is a European Union Interreg 2 Seas Grassification project examining and valorise the complete value chain from roadside management to end product via a multi-dimensional approach. This research will initiate a new bio-based circular economy based upon road side grass clippings. We are examining heavy metal contamination, forage quality, biodiversity and potential for vegetation to be used as a biofertilizer. Dr Hannah Scott is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

Agroforestry systems and soil quality

I am running a project investigating the beneficial effects on agroforestry practices on soil quality in India. I am collaborating with Dr Bhim Badahur Ghaley (University of Copenhagen) and colleagues at Gandhigram Rural Institute University.

Mycorrhizal fungi abundance and diversity

I am looking at the effects of soil properties and mycorrhizal fungi on sand dune stabilization and vegetation succession in Sydney, Australia in collaboration with Dr Deirdre Dragovich (University of Sydney). I am examining mycorrhizal colonisation and diversity associated with bananas and arable crops on Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This is a collaboration with Kilimanjaro Environmental Development Association.

Soil forensics

I am co-supervising a project with Laura Vera-Stimpson (Dept of Forensics) investigating the effects of soil properties on tissue degradation in pigs, and the implications for forensic pathology of human remains.


External/ Internal Funding





Total budget awarded


Conference attendance: New Phytologist 33rd Annual Symposium


Association for Commonwealth Universities



Research: Grassification


EU Interreg 2 Seas



Consultancy: Soil analysis


South East Rivers Trust



Consultancy: Soil analysis


Kent County Council



Research: Heavy metal and PAH pollution of arable farms, road verges and nature reserves


Earthcare Technical



Consultancy: Soil and vegetation analysis


Kent Wildlife Trust



Research: Microplastics in soils from arable farms, road verges and nature reserves


Earthcare Technical



Erasmus exchange programme (Leuphana Universität)


Erasmus Scheme



YouTube series on careers in environmental science


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Soil equipment bundle


Captial bid funding



Conference attendance: Eurasian Soil Conference


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Conference attendance: New Perspectives in Science Education


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Internship: Soil pollution and bioaccumulation at Milton Creek Country Park


University internship programme



Conference attendance: Wageningen Soil Conference


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



HEA Team Teaching Excellence Award for Research-Involved Teaching


Higher Education Academy Fund



Mycorrhizal spore identification assistance


Ecology Research Group Fund



6 week Visiting scholarship at University of Sydney


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Tanzania student research fieldwork


Futures Initiative



Iceland student fieldtrip


Futures Initiative



Iceland student fieldtrip


Futures Initiative



Research: Bali rice paddy soil analysis/fieldwork


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



PhD scholarship in pollution/phytoremediation (Chris Ferguson)


University Graduate PhD Scholarship



India student fieldtrip/PhD student fieldwork


Learning & Teaching Fund



Fieldwork equipment


Learning & Teaching Fund



PhD scholarship in orchard management (Maya Sollen-Norrlin)


University PhD/Instructor Scholarship



eDNA analysis of orchard soils


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



eDNA analysis of orchard soils


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Conference attendance: Food and Fertilizer Security


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



PhD scholarship in urban green spaces (Amy Batbold)


Addressing the Climate Emergency Fund



Research: Heavy metal pollution from conflict in Ukraine


Section of Natural and Applied Sciences



Research: Microplastics in soils from arable farms, road verges and nature reserves


Research Accelerator Impact Kickstarter Funding



Research: Explosives pollution from conflict in Ukraine


Research Accelerator Research Booster Funding



Internship: Use of native and invasive mussel to filter river water pollution


University internship programme










Research Projects

  • Changes in apple orchard microbial communities, and soil quality, in response to climate change. Researcher(s): Ms Maya Sollen-Norrlin. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Alec Forsyth, Dr Rodrigo Vega. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Conservation Agriculture versus Conventional Agriculture: Implications for Soil Health. Researcher(s): Miss Pip Bromley. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Chris Harvey. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Do bare soil landscapes encourage ground-nesting bees?. Researcher(s): Mr Konstantinos Tsiolis. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Joseph Burman. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr Cyrus Czarnota. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Joseph Burman. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Effects of chromium contamination on the soil microbiome and phytoremediation potential of crop plants. Researcher(s): Mr CHRISTOPHER FERGUSON. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Professor Peter Vujakovic, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Exploring the use of mussels to remove excess phosphate in rivers to return phosphate levels to normal, preventing eutrophication, thus reducing the impact on an environmental and ecological level.. Researcher(s): Mrs Patricia Childs. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Forensic Entomology Literature Review. Researcher(s): Miss Alice Crabb. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Chris Harvey. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • From Romans to Roaming: Cultural Heritage and Rewilding in the UK. Researcher(s): Mr Mark Williams. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Jay Ingate, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Increasing vertical farming yield through the optimisation of nutrient growth in algae to be used as a fertiliser, with use of digital twin monitoring.. Researcher(s): Miss Natasha Vaccaro. Supervisor(s): Dr Ernesto Hernandez, Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Professor Abdullahi Ahmed. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Recovery of fingermarks from surfaces previously considered to be problematic within practice. Researcher(s): Miss Maia Davatwal. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Vera-Stimpson, Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on yield, nutritional content and volatile compounds of new commercial strawberry cultivars ‘Malling Allure’ and ‘Malling Champion’. Researcher(s): Miss Holly Chart. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Chris Harvey. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The effect of cadmium contamination on the morphology, contaminant accumulation and quality of wildflower pollen. Researcher(s): Miss Lara Shilston. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Chris Harvey. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • THE UNDERSTANDING OF HOW DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL BURIALS MAYE AFFECT THE DECOMPOSITION RATE OF HUMAN REMAINS.. Researcher(s): Miss HOLLY HARRISON. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Vera-Stimpson, Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Professor Steve Tong. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Urban Green Space – community-based solutions to climate change mitigation and human health (Climate Action PhD Scholarship). Researcher(s): Ms Amartuya Batbold. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Chris Harvey. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Use and treatment of roadside plant waste as a bio-fertiliser. Researcher(s): Miss Csenge Mocsonoky. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Using PMI experiments and expert witnesses experience to consider the standards and reliability of evidence.. Researcher(s): Miss Rachael Flood. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Invited conference presentations

  • Fitting together the pieces of the puzzle: Understanding interactions at the plant-soil-root interface in field and pot experiments (2015) CCCU Ecology Research Group Conference: Advances in Ecological Research and Soil Sustainability, December 5, Canterbury, UK
  • Effects of soil contamination from historical industrial sources on plant biodiversity (2015) Wageningen Soil Conference: Soil Science in a Changing World, August 23-27, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • Teaching to increase university student engagement: is active learning always the answer? (2015) 4th New Perspectives in Science Education Conference, March 19, Florence, Italy
  • Effects of ozone on the physical and chemical properties of soil (2014) 9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization October 14-16, Atalanya, Turkey
  • Effects of elevated ozone on mycorrhizal colonisation, arbuscule formation and root biomass: a field study of a semi-natural grassland community (2014) New Phytologist 33rd Annual Symposium: Ecology and Evolution of Mycorrhizal Fungi, May 12-14, Zurich, Switzerland
  • The effects of elevated ozone on plant community composition and below-ground processes (2014) Ecology Research Group 25th Anniversary Conference, November 12, Canterbury, UK.
  • Effects of ozone on the physical and chemical properties of soil (2014) 9th International Soil Science Congress on “The Soul of Soil and Civilization” October 14-16, Atalanya, Turkey
  • Effects of elevated ozone on root biomass and mycorrhizal infection (2013). British Society of Soil Science 27th Early Career Conference, York, UK.
  • Long-term effects of elevated ozone on a semi-natural grassland community (2012). British Ecological Society 25th Annual Meeting. Birmingham, UK.
  • Long-term effects of elevated ozone on a semi-natural grassland community: comparisons between effects on biomass and flowering (2012). Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research 37th Annual Meeting, Newcastle, UK.
  • Long-term effects of elevated ozone on a semi-natural grassland community: the role of a hemi-parasitic species as a driver of community responses (2011). Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research 36th Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, UK.