I joined CCCU in 2015, following a previous career in journalism and communications.
My research and teaching focuses on generations, education, policy, and parenting culture.
I am Reader in Sociology, and Strategic Lead for Learning and Teaching Enhancement for the School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences.
I joined CCCU in 2015, following a previous career in journalism and communications.
My research and teaching focuses on generations, education, policy, and parenting culture.
I convene a number of undergraduate modules focused on social policy, and the module 'Growing Up In Society', which employs a generational lens to engage with developments in the sociology of education and family life. I am also engaged in postgraduate supervision.
My principal area of research investigates the development of rhetoric of generational conflict in cultural, political, and policy discourse. In 2019 I gained funding from the Wellcome Trust to co-convene the Generations Network, an interdisciplinary network of academics and Third Sector organisations actively working with the concept of generation.
I also research developments in education and parenting culture. From 2017-2019, I led a study of the academic-student relationship and the meaning of the university experience, funded by a BA/Leverhulme grant. During Covid-19 pandemic, I delivered a number of articles, public talks and videos reflecting on the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on young people.
Academia.edu - https://canterbury.academia.edu/JennieBristow
Personal website - http://jbristow.co.uk/