Dr Hany Hassanin

I am a Reader in Engineering and the Engineering Research and REF Lead

Dr. Hany Hassanin holds a position as a reader and the engineering research and REF Lead, having earned his PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Birmingham in 2011. Post-PhD, Dr. Hassanin served as a research fellow at the University of Birmingham. He subsequently took on roles as a lecturer at the School of Engineering at Kingston University and later as a senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool.

Dr. Hassanin's research has been dedicated to design and advanced manufacturing, particularly in aerospace, biomedical engineering, and water treatment. His expertise encompasses a range of cutting-edge technologies, including additive manufacturing, powder processing, laser processing, and nanotechnology, applied to various materials such as ceramics, metals, composites, and elastomers.

Over the years, Dr. Hassanin has been actively engaged in research projects with Rolls-Royce plc, the European Space Agency (ESA), Johnson-Matthey, TWI, the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), and the Egyptian Desert Centre. His current grant portfolio is supported by funding from EPSRC, DSTL, ESA, Royal Society, and several industrial projects.

Dr. Dr Hassanin published over 120 journal and conference papers and seven book chapters, resulting in an h-index of 33. Additionally, he also an inventor for two patents. Dr. Hassanin has given keynote and invited talks at conferences, universities, and research centers. He holds honorary positions at the University of Birmingham, Kingston University, East Kent Hospital, and the University of Liverpool. He is a member of the EPSRC reviewer college and serves as Editor, Guest Editor, and reviewer for several journals. 

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) with over 15 years of experience in designing and teaching engineering modules across various higher education institutions. These include the University of Liverpool, Kingston University, Helwan University in Egypt, and Canterbury Christ Church University.

The engineering modules I have led cover a range of topics and academic levels:

  1. Additive Manufacturing and Materials (CCCU, MSC)
  2. Industry 4.0, 5.0 (CCCU, MSC)
  3. Computer-Aided Engineering and Design (CCCU, Level 5)
  4. Fundamentals of Materials (CCCU, Foundation)
  5. Manufacturing Systems (University of Liverpool - Level 6)
  6. Engineering Design and Manufacturing (Kingston University - Level 4, 5)
  7. Advanced Stress Analysis & Materials (Kingston University - MSc)
  8. Advanced CAD/CAM Systems (Kingston University - MSc)
  9. Computer Integrated Product Development (Kingston University - MSc)
  10. Fundamentals of Materials (University of Birmingham - Level 4)
  11. Business Management and Quality Systems (Kingston University - Level 6)
  12. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes (Kingston University - Level 4)

Dr Hassanin has co-authored of more than 120 research outputs, with an h-index of 33. These publications span a diverse array of topics, including materials, design, simulation, nanotechnology, biomaterials, and education received recognition as a top-cited paper in Advanced Engineering Materials. His research has also included scholarships and pedagogy, aimed at elevating the student learning experience.

Research Themes:

  • Additive manufacturing of metals.
  • Additive manufacturing of super elastic materials.
  • Additive manufacturing of ceramic materials.
  • Additive manufacturing of implants and scaffolds.
  • Additive manufacturing of elastomers.
  • 4D Printing.
  • Micro/Nano Technology.
  • Mechanical Design and Simulation.
  • Alloy development. 

Current Projects Water treatment using advanced manufacturing, funded by the Royal Society with partnership with Egyptian Desert Centre.  

Research Projects

  • Advanced manufacturing for the development of reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems. Researcher(s): Dr Hany Hassanin. [Project]
  • Design Pedagogy for China Education initial research considerations (initial review of literature, ethics considerations, potential research methods). Researcher(s): Miss Yufan Zheng. Supervisor(s): Professor Anne Nortcliffe, Mr Stuart Lambert, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • From agro-waste to sustainable building material; A study on corn cob as an additive to concrete masonry blocks for reduced cost of building and improved indoor micro-climate. Researcher(s): Mr Francis Okeke. Supervisor(s): Professor Abdullahi Ahmed, Dr Adil Imam, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Investigation of Potassium Phosphate in Toothpaste Used at Client. Researcher(s): Dr Georgina Zimbitas, Mrs Azza Mahmoud, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Project]
  • Remodelling of electrotherapy device for haemorrhoid treatment. Researcher(s): Dr Soumya Manna, Dr Hany Hassanin, Mrs Charlotte Goode. Supervisor(s): , eXroid Technology Ltd. [Project]
  • Repurposing of Retired Electric Vehicle Lithium-ion Batteries through State of Charge Estimation with Deep Learning Techniques. Researcher(s): Mr Mohammed Khalifa Amur Al-Alawi. Supervisor(s): Dr James Cugley, Dr Ali Jaddoa, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Member of EPSRC Peer Review College Chartered Engineering of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMECHE)

Editor in the following journals:

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Materials Metals Guest editor in special issues of: Applied science micro machines.

Polymers Journal Reviewer at:

Materials and Design, Advanced Engineering Materials, American ceramic society, Applied Physics, Applied Science, Metals, Materials, Micromachines, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Journal of Materials Processing technology, Cogent Engineering, Microelectronic Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, and many others

Member of Reviewers committee of Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, Norway.

Member in the reviewers' committee of International Workshop on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (IWMSME 2017), China.