David Bates

Professor David Bates

Professor of Contemporary Political Thought & School Director of Research and Enterprise

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Professor of Contemporary Political Thought and Director of Research and Enterprise for the School of LPSS and Associate Director of Research and Enterprise

I joined Canterbury Christ Church University in 2001. My main academic background is political philosophy/theory, an area in which I carried out my PhD research under the supervision of Professor Norman Geras at the University of Manchester. My PhD (1996-2000) thesis ('Intellectuals and Emancipation') was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Since joining CCCU, I have taught across a number of areas, including social science, sociology, moral philosophy. Since 2005, my main focus has been in the area of politics and international relations, an area where I was subject director until 2020.

I have extensive experience across all areas of the academic portfolio, from teaching, to knowledge exchange, research (including research supervision) and bidding.

My current work focuses extensively on research leadership, working with colleagues across the school and faculty to increase research quality, enhance research environments and to produce research which makes a real difference. I am also especially passionate about integrating research activity into the curriculum so as to enhance the student experience, and outcomes.