I am a Senior Lecturer in Language and Communication at Canterbury Christ Church University. Prior to working at Christ Church, my career had been in teaching English as a foreign language in adult, further and higher education institutions in the UK and France. I was also part of the MA TEFL/TESL Open Learning Programme team on a part-time basis at the University of Birmingham. I currently direct the BA English Language and Communication programme. As well as teaching on modules in that programme, I am also responsible for teaching on the PhD MA/PgDip TESOL programme and on various English Language teacher training programmes as well as on the Christ Church PhD research training programme. My academic interests lay broadly on the one hand at the interface of language and intercultural communication, and on the other hand, qualitative research methods. More specifically my interests concern how one can research and understand language and intercultural communication behaviour, how one can research and understand language and intercultural competence, and how such research and understanding can inform pedagogy and relate to teacher professionalism.