Dr Azza Mahmoud

Senior Lecturer in Engineering

School of Engineering, Technology and Design

I am a lecturer in Chemical Engineering. I specialise in Powder Technology area of research.

It was my pleasure to join CCCU as a lecturer in Chemical Engineering in 2021.

Upon earning my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Physics, I began studying chemical engineering for my PhD.

My PhD research involves developing a powder flowability measurement technique for cohesive powders at low consolidation stresses.

Among my other teaching duties at CCCU, I am responsible for leading the following modules in the Chemical Engineering Programme:

1- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Processes

2- Transport Phenomena

3- Chemical Reaction Engineering.

Since graduating in 2006, I have been teaching physics modules at various higher education institutions in a variety of roles, from demonstrator to lecturer.

  • Investigation of Potassium Phosphate in Toothpaste Used at Client. Researcher(s): Dr Georgina Zimbitas, Mrs Azza Mahmoud, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Project]