Professor Alan Meades

Professor Alan Meades

Faculty Director of Enterprise and Innovation

Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Education Faculty Office

Design and Photography Suite Lead

I've worked at CCCU since 2002 and have run lots of different successful degrees including Games Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, and wrote the undergrad and postgrad games courses, foundation year, and the postgraduate taught suite. I am currently Suite Lead for the Games, Graphics, and Photography. I have a degree in Interactive Arts, Master's in Electronic Arts, a PhD in videogame communities, a PGCHELT, I'm a Senior Fellow of the HEA, and was nominated for a NTFS teaching excellence award in '22.

I have considerable experience in QA and course development, I'm currently Director of Quality and Curriculum Development for SCA&I. I've held Examiner roles at Bournemouth, Manchester Metropolitan, UCLan Futureworks, Salford, and Leeds Beckett Universities. I help other universities with course development, review, and quality assurance.

In 2015 I published Understanding Counterplay in Video Games (Routledge), exploring motivations behind cheating and game-breaking on the Xbox360. Since 2014 my research has focused on my childhood love of British arcade culture. I've rescued long-lost arcade games, interviewed arcade game designers, arcade owners, and industry veterans, and worked with SEGA and BACTA (the arcade industry trade body). I've delivered lectures about arcades around the world including Stanford University, New York University, The University of Malta, and institutions in Norway and Germany, and spoken on the subject at various international conferences.

All this arcade work has resulted in my latest book Arcade Britannia telling the social history of the British amusement arcade, published with MIT Press in October '22. I'm also working on a digital/VR recreation of 1980s amusement arcades, also called Arcade Britannia, that is due to be exhibited at London Design Bienalle 2023. I'm also Director of the Nic Costa Archive of arcade heritage, a fantastic collection donated by Nic Costa.

I'm also pretty good at Street Fighter II.