Course Essentials
A warm welcome to the start of your degree and your Foundation Year. It will prepare you and introduce you to your chosen academic route as you begin your journey to complete an undergraduate bachelors degree.
Dr Wendy Iredale
Foundation Year Coordinator
Academic Calendar: Semesters
View key dates for this Academic Calendar for 2025-26 including when teaching starts and finishes and when you break for holidays.
Week commencing 16th September 2023 is a welcome and induction week – you will receive information on this from the University in due course. You will be invited to a number of activities where you will be inducted into your course and the university. You will also be assigned (and speak with) your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), who will provide you with academic and personal support and signpost you to other relevant departments for any additional help you may need. Week commencing Monday 23rd September 2024, the real work begins, as you start your first 3 modules…how exciting!
If you have any concerns about starting university, please do not fret, as this is perfectly normal. You will find the staff friendly, experienced and readily available to support you with your studies. We know that choosing to embark on a degree course is a big commitment in time, energy and money and we assure you that we are fully committed to helping you to reach your goal….so enjoy and embrace your future. We will be with you all the way!
Over the course of the foundation year, you will take 6 modules, three in each semester.
Semester 1 (Sept-mid Jan) you will study:
In semester 2 (mid Jan-mid May) you will study:
You will be assessed in a variety of ways including; learning portfolios, essays, reflective diaries, and academic posters. The academic skills modules will support you with these types of assessment and in developing essential study skills required at degree level.
Handbooks for each of the semester 1 modules will be available via Blackboard (the university’s virtual learning environment where staff post information relating to your course of study) when you start in September. These outline the content of each teaching session and the assessment requirements/deadlines.
Over the summer, please keep an eye on your personal email, and once pre-registered your student portal, for any further information that we may send to you.
You can stay up to date with what's happening in our Faculty on the Faculty Instagram Page
Your welcome and induction will be w/c 16 September 2024 - we look forward to meeting you then.
On the social side, the Student Union (CCSU) has a huge range of clubs and societies – all of which have unique social calendars of their own and offer endless opportunities to make lifelong friends and discover new hobbies. And you can always create your own society and cultivate your own community!
CCSU will be hosting their Welcome Fayre on Wednesday 18th September 2024. Make sure you keep checking the CCSU website for further details and how to get involved.
We understand that you may be nervous about your first few weeks on campus but rest assured - you'll be joining a nurturing and supportive environment where diversity, equality and individuality are part of everything we do.
You can find out more about our welcoming community and making friends
If you are an International Student joining us then please see our International Student Support pages for further information and guidance.
Applied Criminology
Academic Skills
Whilst all textbooks will be available from our University library, it is useful to note that the University Bookshop offers 10% discount on most titles in print and have some price-beating book bundles. They also price match Amazon on core texts recommended in the module handbooks you will receive when you start in September.
International students: don't miss out! Make sure you register for our international student success programme which provides practical advice on preparing to live and study in the UK.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the course team at