Course Essentials
Study a course which will give you a solid grounding in the challenges of managing organisations, information technology and analytical skills alongside finance and accounting. You'll benefit from Christ Church Business School's extensive links with industry. Guest speakers are regularly invited to share their knowledge with our students, and you'll have excellent opportunities to undertake work placements, supported by a dedicated placement officer. We recognise the importance of professional body accreditation and the course is structured to allow you to gain exemptions from major accounting bodies.
Dr Amee Kim
Course Director
Academic Calendar: Semesters
View key dates for this Academic Calendar for 2025-26 including when teaching starts and finishes and when you break for holidays.
Welcome to Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) and here’s to you beginning your BSc in Accounting and Finance at Christ Church Business School! We have no doubt that you have made the right choice, and we will be with you every step of the way during the next three or four years of your study. As Accounting and Finance students, you will be immersed in a world of national and global dimensions of finance and accounting.
Christ Church Business School is a caring and supportive community. As your course Director, I will welcome you in person on your first day and your lecturers will guide you through the details of your course content. You will also make friends for life, as we make sure you have lots of opportunities to meet other students and have fun!
We care about developing your employability skills from day one. While your first graduate job may seem far in the future, it’s never too soon to start filling your graduate CV with social and professional activities and experiences. In your second year, you will spend a whole semester developing your professional identity as an Accounting and Finance specialist (CV, LinkedIn, training for recruitment centres).
See a few of our recent graduates and where they currently work. Some of them often visit the university to speak to current students and prospective students.
“Stimulating lectures and seminars … Good online resources. Helpful tutors. Good employability advice.”
“I have received excellent tuition and fantastic support from all of my teaching staff and support services. I have thoroughly enjoyed everything about my course.”
“Well-informed lecturers. Variety of assignments (essays, reports, presentations) to get lots of real world experience.”
“Very flexible which is great. Library is amazing. Computers are amazing. Feedback is taken well. Good job opportunities. Great attitude to student learning.”
You can stay up to date with what's happening in our Faculty with the Faculty Instagram page
Starting university can be daunting but fret not as this is completely normal. We understand that you have made a big step to achieving your future goals investing time, money, and energy to this degree.
Your first year at Christ Church Business School is divided into two semesters and you will study three modules in each one.
Semester 1:
Semester 2:
We care about you being at ease and confident about your studies and not worried. So, we have put in place a welcome week starting on the week of 16th September 2024 with lots of activities for you to familiarise yourselves with the way we teach and the way we will mark your work and support you all the way through. Make sure you attend to start making friends!
On the social side, the Student Union (CCSU) has a huge range of clubs and societies – all of which have unique social calendars of their own and offer endless opportunities to make lifelong friends and discover new hobbies. And you can always create your own society and cultivate your own community!
CCSU will be hosting their Welcome Fayre on Wednesday 18th September 2024. Make sure you keep checking the CCSU website for further details and how to get involved.
We understand that you may be nervous about your first few weeks on campus but rest assured - you'll be joining a nurturing and supportive environment where diversity, equality and individuality are part of everything we do.
You can find out more about our welcoming community and making friends.
If you are an International Student joining us then please see our International Student Support pages for further information and guidance.
It is very good practice to understand the news and what is happening in the world. It will help with your studies, and it will help you perform better at interview. Why not start by spending five minutes each day reading BBC Business News? Then, when you get to the Business School, you can make the most of your free subscription to the Financial Times.
Given that you have worked very hard to get into university, we recommend that you use the summer to prepare yourself for your transition to higher education and take some time to relax and rejuvenate.
Here are some examples of things to watch to ease into the world of Accounting.
4 Must Watch Films and Documentaries for Accountants.
Movies Accountants must watch.
10 Business and Accountancy Podcasts You Should Be Listening to.
However, if you are keen to get started, you can contact your Course Team for a full or recommended reading list.
International students: don't miss out! Make sure you register for our international student success programme which provides practical advice on preparing to live and study in the UK.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the course team at