It may take some time for you to adjust to studying in the UK - so it is good to get a head start before you even arrive. 

The skills you need to suceed in your studies in the UK may be different from your home country.

Sign up for the International Student Success Programme

The International Student Success Programme has been created with students from universities across the UK, including staff and students at CCCCU.

The programme provides practical advice on preparing to live and study in the UK including tips on visas, finding accommodation and healthcare. The programme also offers advice on making friends, building your confidence and looking after your wellbeing. 

Discover your Learning Skills Hub

Whether you need some extra help with finding resources, guidance on how to write an academic essay, or want to improve your grades, you can find a range of resources and online modules on your Learning Skills Hub. This is free to access before you arrive.

Support with English

Our Learning Skills team offer support for any student whose first language is not English.

  • Learning Skills Hub: online modules which support your learning
  • Interactive workshops or dedicated sessions as part of your course. 
  • Tutorials: a chance to discuss your particular needs. 
  • Free English Language Classes: taught by trainee teachers, these classes provide students with high-quality English language classes free of charge to the local community

Find further support with your English.


Support with IT

If you are new to IT, please click here to learn The Basics.

Once you have set up your computing account you can access a range of free IT services and software to support your studies.

Our IT Training team offers one-to-one training and can help you prepare for university study, improve your basic IT skills, or learn about specific software for an assignment. Once you arrive you can book an appointment here.

Expect Respect

There is a range of study support available to all students to help you settle in, become part of your new CCCU learning community, and reach your academic potential whilst at University. Find out how to access academic support once you arrive.