Get fully prepared for this year's Pride on Saturday 8 June 2024!

Pride is upon us and we’re super excited to spend the day in solidarity with our awesome LGBTQIA+ community and allies. We’ve also got a wicked line up, from Big Bruvaz to Booty Luv, so this year’s celebrations aren’t one to miss.

But before the weekend begins, we thought it would be a good idea to reach out to our CCCU community and ask for their top tips to prepare for the event.

So, here are our six top tips for attending Pride Canterbury. Let’s go…

1. Check the weather.

The weather doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going this year. One day it’s raining, the next it’s blistering sunshine.

So be sure to check on the day and don’t forget the essentials if you need them:

  • Sun cream
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Raincoat (just in case!)

2. Don’t forget the essentials.

Another list of essentials not to forget. You don’t want to be running out of phone battery, after all.

  • Reusable water bottle (do your bit for the planet. Yass!)
  • Portable phone charger
  • Valid ID
  • Comfy shoes
  • Cash – in case the card machines stop working.

Check out this list from Pride Canterbury on what (and what not!) to bring.

3. Be yourself and join us!

Pride is a place where you can express yourself freely whilst being surrounded by a wonderful and supportive community of LGBTQIA+ people and allies.

Don’t feel you have to dress or be a certain way to attend Pride – wear something that you feel comfortable in and that expresses you!

And if you’re worried about going alone, then come with us! Don’t feel daunted about going by yourself. Fill out this form and join our staff and student community in the parade. Whether you want to march in the parade or would rather just attend the day, come and find us at the CCCU stall on Saturday 8 June. If you’d like to volunteer on the stall, then fill out this form and come and work with us.

Don’t forget that Pride started off as a protest so bring your flags, banners, and signs!

4. There might be a queue.

If you don’t join in with the parade, then you might have to wait some time in the queues. If that’s the case, then make sure you have some water. Maybe bring a picnic blanket with you for when you’re chilling out in the gardens.

Another handy tip to know is that the queues can be quite long when you enter the site so once you’re in, try not to leave otherwise you’ll have to queue again.

There’ll be water stations and toilets around Dane John Park so it’s good to know where these are when you first arrive.

5. It can get noisy!

If you’re not one for a lot of noise, then bringing ear defenders is a great idea. It can get pretty busy, so if you get overwhelmed with large crowds, then bear that in mind. 

Limited medicines are allowed on site, so be sure not to bring loads of anything otherwise it’ll most probably be taken off you before you enter.

6. Remember to….

And last but definitely not least, remember to be yourself! Enjoy yourself! And be kind and respectful to others.


A huge thanks to our CCCU community for sharing their top tips for Pride Canterbury this year.

Whether it’s blazing hot or soaking wet, we’ll be there to celebrate our wonderful LGBTQIA+ community, and we can’t wait to see you there!