Today is the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Observed annually on the day 69 people were killed at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid ‘pass laws’ in 1960.

Over 60 years on, much has changed but there is still significant work to do to ensure racial equity within our society.

The theme for the 2022 International Day is ‘Voices for Action Against Racism’ which has special resonance for us as a University, as we seek to strengthen and consolidate our voices against racism, to mobilise against racial discrimination and injustice and to ensure a safe environment for those who speak up.

Today is an appropriate moment to stand up and acknowledge that previous inactions and complacency have enabled racism to continue and that systemic racism exists in society. We are committed to taking action against any form of racism and tackling race inequality by actively challenging others and fighting back against racism.

We have adopted a whole-institutional approach, that fosters a sense of belonging and solidarity. Collective action is required from all of us. We understand that talking about race and racism can be difficult for many, however, it is important that these critical conversations are had.

If you have witnessed or experienced discrimination and harassment of any kind, you can report it, either anonymously or with contact details, online:

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