Following the consultation with students and staff in April 2023, Academic Board has approved a change to the late submission policy.

From August 2023 the following policy will apply to late submission from the start of a student’s 23-24 academic year.

  • The last submission of assessed work will only be permitted for a period of 2 working days (working days are defined as Monday to Friday).
  • The penalty for late submission within the allowable period will be a flat 10% of the available marks.
  • After 2 working days late, a mark of 0 will be recorded and the work will be considered a non-submission.

In line with current arrangements:

  • The deduction will not reduce the mark to less than the pass mark, where the assessed work would otherwise have passed.
  • If the work would otherwise have failed, no further late penalties are applied.
  • Late submission is not permitted for pass/fail assessments (in these cases the late submission is awarded a fail).
  • For reassessment, the penalty is applied before the cap.

This revised late submission policy only applies from the start of the student’s 23-24 academic year. Students still completing their 22-23 academic year, including their reassessments, are subject to the previous late submission policy.

Please note that some Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) have approved special regulations that mean late submission is not allowed. 

Benefits of the change

The University regulations and processes ensure that your work is assessed in a fair, consistent and transparent way.

170 students responded directly to the late penalties’ consultation in April with additional representation received through the Students’ Union. 91% of these students supported allowing the ability to submit late with some late penalties, with 65% of these preferring the option of up to 2 days late with a flat 10% penalty.

The aim of these changes is to support our students by:

  • Making it fairer to most students who submit their work on time.
  • Making the process simple and clear, so students can easily understand the consequences of last submission and the impact on their marks and progression.
  • Enabling students to progress in a timely way.

Support to submit your assessments on time

It’s important to complete your assessments, including examinations, on time and there is a wide range of support available to help you to do so:

  • Chat with your Personal Academic Tutor - if you are at all concerned about meeting assessment deadlines please discuss this with your Personal Academic Tutor as soon as possible so they can put in place any support you may need and discuss what your options are.
  • Develop your time management skills – the Learning Skills Hub has a time management module to help you prioritise your workload and develop ways to manage your time so that you can meet your deadlines. The Learning Skills Hub also has modules on planning your assignment, essay writing, overcoming procrastination and managing anxiety around assessments.
  • Exceptional circumstances - we understand that your ability to meet your deadlines can be sometimes impacted by exceptional events which are short-term in nature (i.e. lasting 1-2 weeks), unexpected and beyond your control. In such situations, students on all taught courses (including those studying at a partner institution) are able to use the exceptional circumstances process

Please note any delay in completing your assessment or reassessment might impact when you receive confirmation of your results for the relevant module/level. This could also affect your ability to complete your studies or start your next year of study, on time.