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University and East Kent Mencap come together to improve the experience for patients with a learning disability

Nursing students at Canterbury Christ Church in Kent have been working with East Kent Mencap to help people with learning disabilities to communicate and access health services.

19 June 2023

Research shows immediate reporting of chest X-rays can cut lung cancer diagnosis time in half

Findings from a study looking into providing patients with the result of their chest X-ray immediately, to cut lung cancer diagnosis time in half, have been published in the medical journal Thorax.

14 November 2022

Talking therapies project started in lockdown gains charity status

Keep Talking Services started by students to support local people during lockdown has received registered charity status.

27 September 2022

Canterbury Christ Church University pledges to secure successful student futures

Canterbury Christ Church University has pledged to develop a Student Futures Manifesto – joint action between the University and its students to tackle the problems caused by the pandemic.

01 April 2022

A new coalition is needed to achieve climate targets

The UK Government has announced new tougher targets on greenhouse gas emissions, cutting carbon dioxide by 78% by 2035.

22 April 2021

Supporting communities during Covid-19

Dr Rajeeb Kumar Sah, Senior Lecturer in Public Health, has recorded a video in the Nepali language to help support the Nepalese community access vital information on self-isolating during Covid-19.

19 February 2021

University hosts online forum to support local businesses

The University will be hosting an online event to support local businesses to help organisations respond to ongoing challenges due to Covid-19.

22 January 2021

£53m bid looks to strengthen Kent economy

Proposals to speed up the delivery of new medicines and strengthen digital skills in Kent have been submitted to the Government.

21 January 2021

CCCU alumni wins 2020 Rising Star Award from Royal College of Nursing

CCCU alumni Dorcas Boamah has been awarded the prestigious Royal College of Nursing Rising Star Award for her work in one of Britain’s Nightingale Hospitals.

07 January 2021

Spontaneous singing during pandemic can decrease loneliness, improve cohesion and mental well-being

Communities in Italy, one of the first countries to go into a national lockdown, have been using singing as a coping strategy and to improve the sense of cohesion.

09 December 2020

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