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Engineering students help to shape a sustainable future

Engineering students recently joined forces with Tensei to investigate and research their latest sustainable material with the aim to reduce plastic use.

28 May 2024

Collaboration with local business helps to elevate engineering education and innovation

The School of Engineering, Technology and Design has agreed a partnership with Kent business Amphenol Ltd to support student innovation, practical learning opportunities and research within industry.

12 March 2024

Creative young minds compete in First Lego League regional finals.

Creative young minds came together to take part in the First® Lego® League Challenge, hosted by the STEM Hub at Canterbury Christ Church University.

05 March 2024

Engineering students win £3000 with innovative new retail design

A group of Foundation Year students in Engineering have won a £3000 prize for their project on re-shaping the future of retail.

30 January 2024

Rosie Duffield MP discovers more about University’s STEM work

Rosie Duffield MP has visited the Verena Holmes Building to see how staff and students were using the facilities to develop essential skills and conduct research to help solve real-world problems.

13 December 2023

FY Engineering students can secure £3000 funding for an innovative industry design

Foundation year students in Engineering will be able to pitch their ideas in a Dragon’s Den style competition with the opportunity to win £3,000 in funding to bring their innovative designs to life.

05 October 2023

New partnership to boost Kent and Medway’s growing industries

A new partnership to turbo-charge research, innovation and enterprise in the south east’s horticultural, and food and drink industries has been launched.

21 September 2023

University celebrates young engineers and their award-winning ideas

School students from across the south east were welcomed to the University recently to receive awards and celebrate their innovative engineering designs aimed at solving real-world problems.

14 July 2023

Exoskeleton using AI and Assistive Robotic Technology aims to help children with cerebral palsy

Canterbury Christ Church University has presented the UK's first lower limb Exoskeleton aimed at helping children with cerebral palsy to stand and walk as part of their rehabilitation therapy.

14 June 2023

HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh formally opens Verena Holmes Building and KMMS

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Edinburgh has officially opened the University's Verena Holmes Building and Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS).

27 April 2023

Investing in research to support our local businesses reduce their carbon footprint

Each year students and staff at Canterbury Christ Church University, in partnership with local businesses, prioritise sustainability in industry to support the region’s efforts to achieve Net Zero.

21 April 2023

Chemical engineering degrees gain international accreditation

Canterbury Christ Church University’s chemical engineering undergraduate degrees have been awarded with an international accreditation by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

05 April 2023

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