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A summer of celebrations for Aphra Behn, Canterbury’s most famous daughter

Canterbury's Aphra Behn project celebrates her work and legacy in July with a series of talks and the first performance of her play The Amorous Prince, or, The Curious Husband in centuries.

26 June 2024

University research explores how we experience being human

Canterbury Christ Church University academics are showcasing how their research is helping us to make sense of being human as part of a national festival of humanities.

08 November 2023

A year of events launches to celebrate Canterbury’s forgotten daughter

A new project celebrating Aphra Behn, Canterbury’s most famous but most forgotten daughter, was launched last week, sparking a year’s worth of exciting events and activities across the city.

04 October 2023

Celebrating being human at the UK’s national festival of the humanities

Canterbury Christ Church University is excited to be a host for Being Human, the UK’s national festival of humanities next month with a series of free public events on the theme of Women Making Sense.

02 October 2023

Celebrating Canterbury’s daughter, Aphra Behn

The Canterbury’s Aphra Behn project is launching a year of celebration and events in honour of the first professional woman writer in English and forgotten daughter of Canterbury, Aphra Behn.

25 September 2023

Funding awarded to become a Being Human Festival Hub

Canterbury Christ Church University has been awarded funding to become a Being Human Festival Hub in November 2023, hosting a series of free public events exploring the theme of ‘Women Making Sense’.

05 July 2023

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