
The Multi Professional Symposium

The Multi Professional Symposium recently took place at the Medway campus, during which trainee GPs and teachers met together to discuss the assessment of children with SEN and disability.

Dr Sue Soan from Canterbury Christ Church University analysed the new requirements for assessment in educational settings, and the lively discussions which took place focused on opportunities for understanding and intervention from a multi professional perspective. This highlighted some of the issues, challenges and successful approaches. Teaching Assistants presented posters reflecting their roles in supporting learners in school.  The assessment of children with ADHD and the provision for them in schools provided a valuable case study to examine social and medical models of disability.

This symposium was also an opportunity for trainee GPs, teachers and academics to discuss the work of the multi-professions shared practice group. This cross-Faculty group aims to provide Health, Education, Social Care, Policing and other professional undergraduate and postgraduate students with on-going opportunities to gain an understanding of the current roles and responsibilities of each other's professions. One of the activities requires students to make a short video detailing ‘A day in the life of a …’. These are posted on the group’s Blackboard and are then available for all tutors and students to view at appropriate points during their programmes. It was therefore great that a few of the GPs agreed to make videos for us and these are now on the Blackboard.  The ‘A day in the life of a….’ videos, alongside a multi–professions based scenario and a Serious Case Review form the available activities.

Research data is also being collected to inform future developments of multi–professional working within programmes.  It is anticipated that this will enhance our students’ confidence and competence in collaborative working and hence better prepare them for their working environments. 

Peter Milburn, GP Programme Director for the Medway VTS Scheme said:

"The symposium presented a rare and unique opportunity for teachers and GP’s to come together to discuss the challenges of managing similar health issues from different professional contexts. The discussion proved invaluable, led to improved understanding and will undoubtedly lead to a better service to children, be that in the healthcare or education setting."

According to Liz Hryniewicz from the School of Childhood Education and Sciences the symposium, which was supported by Faculty of Education Partnerships, proved an excellent opportunity to discuss positive outcomes for children and families in Medway informed by an integrated and multi–professional perspective.


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Last edited: 25/02/2020 13:17:00