Accessing e-resources for users who are unable to log into LibrarySearch

Library Accounts are created for all CCCU users in LibrarySearch. This allows you to log into your account and access e-resources. Occasionally there may be a technical issue or a delay in the creation of Library Accounts. If you should find you are one of the users affected, you can still access e-resources via LibrarySearch without needing to sign into LibrarySearch.

Click on the resource links in LibrarySearch

If you cannot login to LibrarySearch directly you can access e-resources directly by clicking on the resource links in LibrarySearch from your search results. 

  • E-journals can be accessed by clicking on the ‘View Content’ or ‘Full Details’ buttons
  • E-books can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Link to CCCU e-book’ button:

Sign in at the University login screen 

If you are not already signed in to another CCCU service such as Webmail or BlackBoard you will see the CCCU login screen:

  • Sign in with your usual username and password.
  • You may need to confirm your login with your chosen second authentication method (text, authenticator app etc.) 
  • This will start an OpenAthens session and you will be taken through to your chosen resource.

Where to go for further help 

Check that there are no know issues with LibrarySearch on our LibrarySearch updates page.

If you are still experiencing difficulties after following this guide, please contact the i-zone

Your Learning & Research Librarian will be able to help you make the best use of online resources. You can contact your librarian through the Learning Skills Hub

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Using LibrarySearch
This Learning Skills hub module is full of material to get you started with LibrarySearch
Database guides
Online databases are great for primary research, background information, latest thinking, detailed theory, standard reference, study skills, and literature searching, and we have plenty to help with your studies.
Subject guides
You’ll find lots of digital and print resources in the library for your subject area. From e-books, online journals and video streaming platforms to research material, digital newspapers, print books and more, there’s plenty to support your studies.