I have not received my Graduation/Award Ceremony invitation

I have not received my Graduation/Award Ceremony invitation

Invitations are sent out by email, eight weeks prior to the ceremony, to both your CCCU email and your personal email address, as held in MyRecord at the time of sending. For further information please go to “Your Graduation Ceremony” webpages here.

You must submit your RSVP response and payment for guest tickets via MyRecord prior to the closing date to be able to graduate/attend your graduation. The closing date for RSVPs is clearly stated on the email invitation and online. The following may affect whether you have received an invitation or not:

  • Do we have correct details of your personal email?
  • Have you been signed off by the board of examiners yet?
  • Do you have any outstanding payments or financial issues?
  • Do you have any outstanding health, disclosure and barring service checks or qualification checks?

Please email the i-zone, the student information service, if you have not received your invitation eight weeks before the date you expect to graduate. Please provide your CCCU student ID number when you contact them.

Find more information on the invitation timeline here.


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Last edited: 11/10/2024 13:57:00