The People are Revolting: The End Times of Liberal Democracy

Is liberal democracy over? Should be worried? What comes next? Find out more with Professor of Contemporary Political Thought David Bates.

The epoch of liberal democracy is coming to an end. For many, this seems like an end to the world at least as we have come to know it in the West. Out of the ruins of liberal democracy, a new relationship of economics and politics is emerging. Some call this national populism. Others refer to it as authoritarian capitalism. Here strong leaders, in concert with mega wealthy business owners, present themselves as the ‘chosen ones’, as the voice of the increasingly angry ‘people’ against the decaying liberal ‘elites’. While the authoritarian populists mobilise real concerns, they do so against the best interests of those they claim to represent. There is a real danger that the world beyond the liberal democratic epoch will be truly terrible for those in the Global South and for everyone but the most wealthy in the Global North. I offer some suggestions regarding what might be done to challenge authoritarian populism – though my conclusions are not particularly optimistic.


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