Take a fresh look at our vulnerable food system in Food, Inc. 2, the sequel to the 2008 Oscar®-nominated and Emmy® Award-winning documentary Food, Inc.

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Social & Environmental Justice Campaign Film Screening of 'Food, Inc. 2'.

In Food, Inc. 2, the sequel to the 2008 Oscar®-nominated and Emmy® Award-winning documentary Food, Inc., filmmakers Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo reunite with investigative authors Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma) and Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) to take a fresh look at our vulnerable food system.

Since the first film, multinational corporations have tightened their stronghold on US governments, robbed workers of a fair living wage and contributed to the global proliferation of ultra-processed foods along with a chemically formulated international health crisis.

The film centres innovative farmers, future-thinking food producers, workers’ rights activists and prominent legislators who are facing these companies head on to inspire change and build a healthier, more sustainable future.


Project 93 is supported by the Sustainability Unit and hopes to contribute towards nurturing a vibrant academic community of critical thinkers who are engaged with the world and are able and willing to make positive contributions to it.

It hopes to do this by developing new and supporting existing activities and events; by acting as a catalyst in creating connections across the University; and by inspiring and encouraging greater and more active engagement and activism from students and staff.