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24 October 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm

This exhibition and dance performance is based on real-life stories from women and Trans women, performed by five survivors of sexual abuse.

Exhibition: 7pm, Anselm Studio 2

Performance: 7.30 - 8.30pm, Anselm Studio 1


This exhibition and dance performance is based on real-life stories from women and Trans women, performed by five survivors of sexual abuse. A combination of vocal improvisations, recorded testimonials and moments of silence combine to create a multi-sensory live performance – including spoken word, breath and the percussive sounds created by the dancers in motion.

All over the world, women experience assault on a daily basis, yet are all seen as nurturing creatures that care, cater and feed. The work shows the power of arts for healing and wellbeing.

This project is led by Laura Keynon and is part of ongoing research by Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health (Director: Angela Pickard).The 50-minute performance will be followed by a Q&A.


Event Information

When you book you have the option to make a donation to the Student Scholarship Fund, which helps support career development opportunities for our students in the School of Creative Arts and Industries.

Venues are on our North Holmes Road campus. Our campus car parks are reserved for staff permit holders only.

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