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03 July 2024
3:00pm - 4:30pm

Do you have a LinkedIn account but don't know how to use it or you want to set one up and don't know where to start? Come to our workshop to find out more!

Whether you have set up your LinkedIn account already but don't really know how to use it, or its been on your to-do list for ages but you haven't had time or you haven't thought about it yet, come along to our workshop, with your device and we can all do it together!

We will discuss why you should set up your account and how it help with your career goals, and how to expand your professional network.

We will answer questions like:

How do I grow my network, who should I connect with and what is the etiquette for connecting with people I do not know?

How does LinkedIn fit into my personal branding, why should I consider my digital footprint?

What should my personal headline be? What do I include in my 'about' section? What visibility settings should I have?

Come along to the workshop with your device and whatever point you are at with your LinkedIn account, you can leave the workshop with an account ready to go and connections ready to make and networks to grow.

This workshop is for CCCU students, staff and recent Alumni only and for those who are new to LinkedIn or need to go back to the beginning to review their profiles before using LinkedIn for job searching. There are further workshops on using LinkedIn to job searching, how to post engaging content and how to use LinkedIn's more advanced settings.

If you are not sure what session is best for you, drop by the careers hub and we can advise you.

We advise you create an account and verify your email address before attending the workshop if you have not set up an account yet.

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For further information

Careers and Enterprise Team