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02 July 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Find out why networking is important, how we network virtually as well as in person, and different platforms for networking in this one hour workshop.

We are sure as a student, or recent graduate you have been told at least once to network and that is an important thing to do. But what actually is networking? How do we do it? Where can we do it?

This workshop will cover what networking means, and the many ways in which it can be beneficial to our personal and career development. We will then cover various online platforms and media platforms for online networking, as well as opportunities to network in real life! We appreciate how daunting networking can be too, so we will cover ways in which to build up your networking skills.

This event is for CCCU Students, staff and recent Alumni only.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Careers and Enterprise Team