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31 July 2024
4:00pm - 5:00pm

What to wear to an interview? Should you be chatty & casual or more formal? What should you do afterwards? Find out the answers here!

Our 4-part ‘Interview Preparation’ series equips you with all you need to know about the interview process, from being offered an interview straight through to accepting an offer or continuing your job search.

Part 4, our concluding workshop, will cover all of the top-tips for interview techniques and ensuring you leave the employer with the best impression possible. Whether that’s as a result of your outfit choice, or the amazing questions you asked at the end of the interview, we’ll teach you all of the tips and tricks to stand out on the day. We’ll also cover how to communicate after the interview (when will you hear from them? How do you negotiate salary?), and what to do if you want to accept, defer or decline an offer. We’ll also discuss how to handle rejection and learn from the experience to continue your job search.

Join us in the Careers Hub to make sure you’re well equipped and ready for any interviews in the future!

This event is for current CCCU students, staff and recent Alumni.

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For further information

Careers and Enterprise Team