We are here to ensure that you have the best opportunity to succeed in your assessments and reach your full potential.

Top Tips

Did you know?

It’s important for you to complete your assessments, including exams, on time. We understand that sometimes things happen outside your control that could affect your short-term ability to meet your deadlines. Don’t worry, we have processes in place such as exceptional circumstances to make sure you can still undertake your assessment and progress in your studies. 

Make sure you know the policy for late submission  - so you don't get caught out.

  • The last submission of assessed work will only be permitted for a period of 2 working days (working days are defined as Monday to Friday)
  • The penalty for late submission within the allowable period will be a flat 10% of the available marks
  • After 2 working days late, a mark of 0 will be recorded and the work will be considered a non-submission

Your guide to assessment and awards processes

Check your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes for information about different types of assessment and how to ensure your work gets the best possible mark.

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